Not in any way that’d pertain to the “new social contract”, though
It’s literally a tldr of the rules that’ve always existed
This is just random nitpicking to try to save face
Not in any way that’d pertain to the “new social contract”, though
It’s literally a tldr of the rules that’ve always existed
This is just random nitpicking to try to save face
Did you see Mirasol’s post?
Yes I will accept this argument generally. And thank you for the original terms link, that’s a nice bit of history there.
You can see the back peddle happening in real time
I am not arguing this point at all really.
See this is the point I am making I said people need to move on use the ignore and I have had nothing but attacks about this. Maybe you need to grow up and have a back bone stop letting things offend so easily. I use ignore all the time and I don’t have problems after that. I have had people say some mean and obnoxious crap to me but guess what I don’t let it get to me. People run around this game and want to play police. Gotta tell on this person because they offend me.
I had not seen that yet! I honestly skipped most of the thread and jumped to the end. Today was cookie baking! Busy busy.
Cookies? Whatchu whip up
There’s a difference in assertions, I’m willing to accept Mirasol’s framing. I’m sometimes too literal when I interpret other people’s statements. But I accept this, nothing wrong with admitting fault
Bro same, downside I’m easily distracted and I have burnt cookies instead of… not burnt cookies
I’m hoping you’ll share! Cookies sound mighty good right now. What kind?
Some things don’t deserve to be tolerated.
That’ll be me tomorrow. I have four batches to make before we leave.
Because being a racist PoS should get you banned.
I can assure you, if you say a certain six-letter word that will get you banned from literally any gaming forum ever out on the streets of St. Louis, Baltimore, or upper Manhattan (and many other places) you’re gonna wish that you “just” got banned from an Internet gaming forum within about five seconds.
Here let me show you my post you claim is me whining. Maybe re read this
Grandpas talking to himself again
Oh so offensive maybe I should report you for your ageism comment. I mean really you guys need to just grow up.
Wow go outside OP, you need some fresh air
Reporting people using inappropriate language or otherwise violating rules isn’t a sign of immaturity, quite the contrary
Define “soft.”