Ban Culture of 2024/2025

I hadn’t heard about that but im to lazy to check it so will assume its true.

I personally would like to see an amendment reigning in the powers of private corporations when it comes to speech myself. I woukd argue its far to muh centralized and cemented power.

Still when it comes to video games I would rather a hands off approach. Least within reason. I find the idea of a services chat more offense then slurs for example.

You’re right, kicking religious people who begs for money :dollar: off my property. I don’t need a well dressed people showing up at my door steps " saying the world is ending and i need to repent. A dollar or 2 will get me into Heaven." While they are driving in a nice car. Living in a nice home with a picket fence and a dog.

Cons will fine anyway to make money. Even it is through religion.


I hate the spam in it but love that they siloed it all into one place so I can turn that channel off! As long as they allow services for gold in the game, that mess will happen. At least it can happen in a back alley I don’t go to. Heh

I would prefer it not happen at all, but it is not my game to decide the rules on. Also kind of hard to stop short of making gold account bound.

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So go to Duskwood, you can get a pound of flesh there all over the place. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Again, there is no such thing as cancel culture, only consequences of ones actions.

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Wouldn’t mind that myself. Its just irksome to me that they stick to the chat filter being optional but then constantly bend the rules in other places. Race to world first openly exploiting with their blessing. Sale rules broken constantly ( you are on paper still required to be in the run if you are advertising) yet expecting people who turn off a profanity filter to be mature is a bridge to far.

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Yes, that does undermine their entire game and culture. If the top teams and public faces are seen engaging in exploits or cheating, then it makes all Blizzard look bad. That also includes not clearing up misunderstandings about game mechanics - not everything is an exploit even if it is un-intended gameplay.

It also is true that there are different teams handling those decisions.

Social infractions are handled the same across all games and platforms (in theory) depending on the tools within each game. They all follow the exact same code of conduct regarding language, spamming, advertising, naming, etc. That is handled by GMs using the tools they are given - and player reports. Right now it is not automated in that they are not scanning for infractions. They still depend on players reporting and on chat logs. That policy is set high up given it impacts every one of Blizzard’s platforms. When you appeal a social infraction it goes to the GM team.

Cheating and exploits are defined by the Dev team and the Hacks team. Botting, automation scripts, game exploits, etc. All that falls under those teams. Devs define what the exploits are, and Hacks sets up the detection criteria to catch it. Hacks also researches, detects, and bans bots and other cheating measures. Thousands a day of the “easy to detect” ones, and then ban waves for the newer or harder ones. They go in cycles - ban the bot and “break” it - then the bot maker changes it and the cycle starts all over again.

They also seek legal action against bot makers when they can. They have won millions and shut down a couple of them. Sadly many operate in countries outside the reach of US law.

Sort of like how law enforcement has the traffic cops who just handle speeding tickets and moving violations but then there are whole departments that investigate drug networks or murders. Think of GMs as the social traffic cops. heh.


obviously this is the thread for the smug to have their 5 minutes of PC condescending to their perceived social inferiors…


I’m coming to your house. That sounds utterly scrumptious.


I’m pretty sure majority of people are anti-botter. That said I’m also sure those death threats came from the botters themselves or those paying for their services.

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I don’t think profanity alone is gonna get you banned , I think it’s more the context and what’s being said and in what manner.

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What is that? I want…

That is a Swiss Chalet Crispy Chicken Sandwich

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Unfortunately I will have to pass on the sandwich. Having a poultry allergy sucks. It does look good though.

Your query has nothing to do with the community; Blizzard’s ToS from day one has been pretty clear about things you can or cannot say on the platform they own.

If people want to say literally whatever they want, there are platforms like X and Rumble for that; they can also say those things IRL to people’s faces and deal with whatever legal or illegal consequences result.

End of the day, it’s blizzard’s rules and if they see it fit to ban someone for say, extreme racism, then that’s it bud.

If someone doesn’t like it, they can go elsewhere – you know, the exact same sentiment many “patriots” say to immigrants who are having trouble integrating.

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The text color is the same color as the digested food that I hurl after reading those posts.

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Profanity can absolutely get you banned, it’s not allowed.

From the Blizzard Code of Conduct, “Hate speech and discriminatory language is inappropriate, as is any obscene or disruptive language.

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A stupid or racist character name breaks immersion for me and is against the rules. Love watching them change it.

But I’ll say whatever I want to say when I want to say it and there will be no consequences. :slight_smile: