Ban Culture of 2024/2025

That came right after someone said that some things should be bannable, like extreme racism.

That’s a pretty rough take lol, I didn’t see it originally. That said… some of what he says in his OP does hold true. Like I mentioned earlier, I mostly PvP, and in almost every game, someone is threatening to report another player over a throwaway comment like, “Stop sucking and get out of mid.”

Of course, racism is something we all agree is worth reporting, no debate there. But let’s be real, the WoW community is extremely “report happy.” I’d love to see the stats on how many reports are filed each year. I’d bet a penny it’s gone up every year, even though the player base has shrunk since WoW’s peak.

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Isn’t it hilarious how the trolls think making their profiles private keeps people from blocking them? It doesn’t. :slight_smile: Granted, the forums could be a little more intuitive on how to do it.

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I mean, these are the same folks who shout their 1st amendment is being violated in someone else’s space/private property…I’m pretty sure a vast majority of them just shout random gibberish without truly comprehending what they’re actually saying or what it implies…

And not in a fun way, I’m all for goodnatured spiels of insanity, but ya gotta do it RIGHT. Trusssssssssssst meee, I’m a trained UNprofessional!


They tried silences. It turned out to not be an effective deterrant, so they stepped up the punishments. It doesn’t go by the severity of what you said (although a severe violation can escalate up the penalty volcano faster).

The MINIMUM punishments now are: First violation - 1 week silence. Second violation - 1 week suspension. And it doubles from there until permaban.

I’ve seen at least one person permanently banned for language recently. It took something like 6 suspensions of increasing length.

and what if people, seen “slurs” for what they are? descriptive words… its very discriminatory to ban someone for how they speak… imagine if people were banned for not speaking English on an ENGLISH / NA server? ., the outrage would be extreme… yet people like you are ok with it… disgusting.

This is certainly an opinion. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Nobody’s getting banned for not speaking a particular language, they get banned for violating the rules. No amount of intellectual dishonesty can conflate those two.


I do agree that some bans seem extreme. I had a guildy that got a 6 month ban. He was one of the two nicest players i ever met in wow. He had helped me many times. He got banned for doing carries for gold, but he was being paid on a different realm than his main, and was in an organized comunity on the side. Which was A OK, before it wasn’t.

I felt that ban hurt tje game more than it helped.

He made a temp account during the ban, so was still playing. I didn’t have the time to commit to raiding, so just did low M+. I didn’t care for the GM. She kicked one of my alts for being inactive, and i just didn’t have the time, so took my other 3 toons out of that guild.

Don’t you love when people try to justify racism, and then in the same breath complain about discrimination? I can’t fathom that level of cognitive dissonance.

I’ll post how to block private profiles just so people know. Click your picture, go to the little person profile button. Then preferences - users. Go to ignore section, click add. Paste the person’s name in (not the server, that’s appended automatically). Click the profile that comes up. Verify it’s the correct name-server. Set your ignore time, click add. Done. :slight_smile:

Thankfully, if there’s an ignore cap on the forums, I haven’t discovered it yet. I just wish the game ignore was level and synced with forum ignore, that’d be awesome. Right now I have to manually add everyone I ignore here to my ignore addon. I’m not tanking or healing for people I block on here.


You are bringing up semantics, I am bringing up the spirit of it. Maybe you should go beyond prejudices of back then and join the 21st century.


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“Semantics”. Lol. How can you say your bringing up the “spirit of it” while completely disregarding the actual spirit it was written in.

The people who wrote that literally did not consider a large portion of the population to be equal or even human really.

That is the subtext of the entire thing. All men, who meet the racial qualitifcations we have established, are equal…and so forth and so on. But not everyone else.

People really like to revise the “spirit” of American history. I guess its fun for some people to pretend that it wasnt built around racism and sexism

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There is a George Carlin skit I would LOVE to link that describes that exact situation. But alas, it’s George Carlin…so it has language that’s not permitted on these forums.


People like that actually think “no u” is a witty comeback.

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No I explained it earlier in the post it was over premade bg discussion

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“Community”? Forum posters are a very small portion of the player base. I do know of people in game that for sure deserve bans.

Yep! The orcs weren’t racist, they were demon crazed, and they would kill anything in their path no matter what it was. If there wasn’t something else for them to focus on, they would even turn on each other. It was like being on drugs honestly, after they lost the demonic power (but they were still cursed), it’s like they all went into withdrawal, which is why they acted so odd and passive in the internment camps.

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Only if ya let em.

Nope WE dont.

Yup and in many cases it doesnt evoke happiness for people. Many with low self esteem can accept these words and be happy with them. Again, you gotta let the words affect you.

Penguins would fill the void.