Ban Culture of 2024/2025

But but but I says so!!! So therefore it is!


Getting permanently banned is not the first action taken against an account unless the activity being actioned is so severe that it requires that.


It’s like that Rick and Morty joke when the agent gets unalived.

“It’s called a deterrent”
“Why didn’t you just knock them unconscious”
“Everyone wants to be knocked unconscious, no one wants to be unalived”

Silences are what things start at, but if that doesn’t go far enough then it leads to bans. Most sane people shouldn’t need to get that far but obviously silences don’t work if it has continued to that point.

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So … ? What’s your point

No, they report because something is simply not appropriate for the game. I say this as an old person who knows what Ivory soap tastes like.

People do not have to be offended to to know something simply does not belong there. Much like a traffic ticket. Nobody is offended, it is just a rule violation.


My point was use ignore and move on.

Do you get paid by blizzard to do their Job? Do you call the police if somebody J walks? I mean its against the law but its not my job its a police officers job to deal with it.

All I am getting at is play the game move on

Sorry, not sorry, but I’m not required to accept somebody being blatantly racist or verbally abusive. It’s completely needless behavior that is not required to enjoy the game.

Everything that is said does not have to be reported, but if you’re being verbally abusive/racist, you’re gonna get reported by somebody, and it’s deserved.


and I’ve got ocean-front property in Arizona.

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If you ask me, soft isn’t being able to share schools, bus seats, and drinking fountains with minorities. Which generation was that?


so uhm am i missing some context that this thread just blew up. i take a nap and this thread happens. where did this racism angle come from?

It was kind of there from the beginning? The first comment after the original post was about extreme racism not being tolerated and the OP came back and asked why not just silence them instead of banning them.

Then someone commented on how recent generations are “soft” and some of us gave counter examples of older generations being “soft”.

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ban all the draenei.

This reminds me of when I joined a Rated BG group as a pug healer and after winning a few games their normal healer came back and started using racial slurs in discord till i left so he could claim my spot.

Ok but then if that’s the case why are things like people botting, boosting services that make you pay with real world currency. I know they get reported and nothing is done about it. But God forbid somebody says a bad word they get chat banned and silenced forums and in game. Ive been here since vanilla and was in to the beginning of my adult life when this game came out. And I too have know what the taste of soap is like and when I tried to be smart and hide the soap my mother would use liquid soap which was even worse.

Anyway the whole point I was trying to get across to these folks was just move on and enjoy the game. Blizzard gave us a pretty good tool with the ignore option if somebody is saying something that is offensive. If something is happening that is for instance any type of harasment Botting boosting cheating of any type I get it, it doesnt belong in the game

well im gonna settle in then.

Blizzard gave an even better tool where you can report inappropriate behavior and a GM will deal with the fact someone is violating the rules. Nobody is obligated to allow anyone to break the rules and not report.


Alternatively, people can refrain from being offensive or verbally abusive, and then they don’t have to worry about getting reported. Pretty easy fix there! :dracthyr_comfy_sip:


I’m not sure if you’re aware, but Blizzard has banned bots in waves since pretty early on. Of course some will just make more bots to replace those.

Some insults can be offensive and ignored, likely a majority. However some behavior simply does not belong in the game and Blizzard has taken action to suspend/ban people who repeatedly act in those ways.

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You left out the beating them to death and the hangings. Buncha softies.