Ban Appeal

Hey I was told I could get info on my current ban appeal here in this forum. Wait times tend to be longer than the bans last and wanted to find out why I got banned. Actual details and not “re-read the CoC”. Any info is appreciated!!!

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What did the email said? Should’ve have the class of action in it.

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First, check your email, a preliminary reason with how to appeal, should be on the way.

You seem pretty set on the notion thos was another case of mass reporting, not much use in trying to disuade otherwise, just referencing the post just in case.


This was for language, Xaelafa. It’s also just a suspension, not a ban.

Profanity can be explicit - but it can also be abbreviated, masked or misspelled.

None of that is allowed.

Also, whispering someone and wishing them a horrific illness isn’t a good idea.

So, profanity and toxicity is what this is about.


Hey that’s all I wanted to know. What happens to the other guy though for doing the same thing? Are arguments between players not allowed? If both parties are guilty is it a wash or do both players get the suspension? If someone starts being toxic and I finish it by being toxic is that not allowed? Questions to avoid being suspended again. Thanks for the feedback!!!

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It doesn’t matter what someone else is doing, you’re not going to be told what happened to someone else account - end of story.


I can understand that but general information about it helps as well. Doesn’t have to be specific to this situation, just if both sides receive punishment. Like my other questions listed above, should I just report the moment someone curses or says something toxic and put them on ignore? I understand under the CoC if I reply to someone that is cursing, using profanity, vulgarity, or being toxic by using the same things that they do I am subject to the same punishment. Just asking, in general, do both sides get punished or is it just the one that takes it to far?


You stated the key part “If both parties are guilty”.

If someone (anyone) is reported to Blizzard for CoC violations and Blizzard agrees with the report, then that someone can be punished. The severity and length of punishment is up to Blizzard and will be based on previous account actions and the severity of the infraction.


Did you report them, Xaelafa?

We don’t have magical systems just scanning for naughty things, we take in reports, verify them then apply the appropriate actions.


It’s a privacy rule, they’re not going to talk about any and all account related info to 3rd parties whatsoever. No, they’re not go to tell you if they action someone, what kind of action or anything of the sort. Akin to asking the doctor about someone else medical history because you ask them.


I don’t believe I did. More or less wondering when someone reports me, is their side of the conversation also looked at? Can you be banned for reporting someone when you yourself are the one being toxic/using profanity? I tend not to be the best communicator when problems come up and I don’t take kindly to people being rude, mean, or unjust towards other players or myself. I have ran into many loot ninja’s, bg afkers, trash talkers and many other not so great people in the past week or so.

Looking for general info. I am not asking for what happened to the guy who reported me. I want to know if the reporter is also looked at for the same reasons in any case of reporting. If someone can dish it out but can’t take it and hits that report button I want to know if he is also looked at.

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Wait… We’re getting actioned for personal messaging now? Wow, I thought it was open channels only.


Of course you can get actioned for a whisper if it’s inappropriate.


Then you want to report THEM, possibly put them on /ignore - and not reply, Xaelafa.

Our systems work a little different than once upon a time. We used to have to manually go through chat, so we’d see more. That took a TON of time.

Now, the system grabs the reported chat and any that may be directly adjacent to it. Are we going to go looking up the full context of a conversation - no, no we aren’t. If they were inappropriate, report them.

At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what they said in regards to YOUR account action. It would be important if you reported THEIR inappropriate chat.


If you’re recommendation is to use /ignore, why isn’t that sufficient on it’s own?

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Personally I don’t think we should be. There is an ignore button for that. But hey, not my game, not my rules.

This means that just cause we didn’t hit that report button they get off scott free for doing the same thing. Wouldn’t this just entice baiting? I could easily bait someone into saying something and hit that report button and nobody would be any wiser. Not saying I would do or condone this but it could be done via the system you just described

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To cut through the fat and get to the meat: You’re not going to be given a way to try to bait anyone or feel like you can drag folks down with you who report you. You’re not going to be given a way try to get others actions with you for whatever reason.


And you are in control of whether you allow yourself to be baited.

That’s why the best recourse is report and /ignore.

These are really usually very simple. Was the code of conduct broken/not broken. It’s very binary in most cases.

There simply is nothing anyone else can do, even breaking those rules - that justify you breaking those rules yourself.

By all means, if they ARE breaking the rules, report them.


The rules apply evenly to the whole game. However - Blizzard does not go looking for violations. There is no AI scanning our chats.

If you and your friends are having a really colorful conversation in a private group, none of you will report that most likely. You share the same sense of humor maybe.

If you whisper a stranger with something colorful there is a high chance they are going to report it.

The comments you see about public channels relate more to the risks of you getting reported, not so much that they “allow” it.

Even Guild chat, which is considered a private group that you join/leave “at will”, is subject to rules if it is bad enough when reported.

The fact that people can be Ignored, does not mean they are allowed to break the rules. Nothing in the game “allows” the rules to be broken without possible consequences.

After all, the language rules would not exists if Ignoring was considered the only consequence of inappropriate behavior.


None of the language rules in game have anything to do with China. I have no idea why you think they do. The language rules have existed since WoW was released in 2004 - which was in the US. Those rules have not fundamentally changed in 20 years.

If you are talking about graphics changes and such for cultural laws, those exist in the Chinese version of the game which is separate from the other Regions. We don’t even have access to that version of the game from outside China.