Ban addons, IMPROVE your core interface

no. addons are fine.

Wouldn’t you say that’s what Blizzards vision is with addons? Addons have always been around and they’ve improved how well they work over time. I often say Blizz should add more features from addons to the base game (usually when talking about BadBoy and chat filtering) but Blizz seems to prefer just giving addon developers the tools to make the things players want.

ok now that I’m not on my druid anymore (oops)

not only no
but HECK no.

no single ui is going to work for everyone and, frankly, it’s stupid to think it would.

the glorious thing about WoW’s ui is I can tailor it to MY preferences, while you can tailor yours to, wait for it… you.


In all honesty, addons are probably one of the big reasons I keep coming back to WoW. Being able to control every aspect of the information I’m given leaves other games feeling “unfinished”. Every time I try to move a bar, make a macro, organize my bank… I find myself wishing I had X addon.

I can fit the layout to me and it makes the gameplay so much better.

Take my altoholic and removegryphon (seriously why are they even still on the action bar ZE GRYPHONS DEY DO NOTING!) and my sub would run out because, without the customization addons provide, there are better games.

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Yeah I think they should learn from as many sources as they can, whether it’s singular elements from other games or things that addon developers have built thus far. I just think it’s a bigger net strain on the front-end user to have to learn increasingly complex interface setups to have a great experience.

I know like a bunch of people here want to call people plebs or whatever cause it makes themselves feel better about being smart enough to get on curseforge / wow interface / github etc. - it’s not about smarts, it’s about making the game work for the player and not the other way around. When you’re downloading / updating / researching / customizing your addons, you AREN’T playing the game.

The minority of people who enjoy that stuff as a core piece of their WoW experience (rather than just doing it because they feel they have to) can just go become UI designers for games literally, but it’s not the purpose of WoW as a game to do that.

I know Blizzard would PREFER to have someone else do the work for them, as you say… but is that GOOD for the game??

So why exactly you’re bringing that up then?

Nobody was talking about FF14…

Hey, no need to go bananas on the dude. :confused:

/The entire stadium crowd booes at bari.

You do know they can literally download the addon and try it for themselves right? I mean this stuff is more common then water. :laughing:

Those things aren’t even close to being comparable, since really the only issues we can fix is UI related. Bethesda games are broken to crap and not just in UI to a point where patching them breaks even more because of their busted engine that makes WoW’s look like Unreal Engine 5 in comparison. WoW at worst has a missing water square sometimes and horrible lag, but that’s about it since Blizzard isn’t incompetent like Bethesda… At least when it comes to designing and making functional games.

Not really, i’ve never been in any of the newer raids so i don’t know what exactly the fight is. Even with addons.

Welcome to World of Warcraft when it was there before addons were thought of. :man_shrugging:

Oh. Please tell me how the human body works, i mean you seem to know sooooooo well about addons and how the devs operate. I bet you’re also going to tell us how it relates to the success of WoW, as if addons has anything to do with it somehow though an olympic aware winning thought process… :slight_smile: /s…

Oop, right on cue. :laughing:

As yes, the classic of all ad-homs. Ego driving gate keeper… coming from a person who is certainly not full of ego… I see nothing wrong with this thread. /s

What the heck you think people were doing if they don’t want to use addons to fix basic issues in the UI??? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I think Blizzard should implement AIO, but given how they “updated” the base UI in BFA, i don’t think the demends are going to be met, or all the way even. It’s even to a point where people just makes better UI mods then Blizzard. (Not that it’s hard to do so.) Heck, they even removed some options over the years. I mean good luck trying to change a few annoying options off without addons or even console commands. Smart Pivot being one of them.

Actually, that’s sound pretty dang awesome. :smiley:



I mean your lack of understanding towards addons is showing, even with your picture you’ve displayed…

Your not really better in that respect either…

By insulting them? My lord. :laughing:

Or… or… hear me out… cater to both addons/non-addon people here. Let them have the choices, because choices and customization are good.

…Yeah. Didn’t you say we have higher standards?.. Of coarse we don’t trust them to do it right. :man_shrugging:

Well there’s something i didn’t expect to see from an “Addons are bad” thread. I’m legitimately impressed. :astonished:

They still have the choice to be competitive, and allowed in a guild. It’s just done with different people who match up their playstyle.

As for “good modern interface”… that’s based on somebody’s preference’s on what they consider good and modern.



if I were to add up the time I’ve spent over the last 15 years…

I have spent more time on flight paths than I have tweaking addons

you remain, however, 100% free to not use them


I dunno, as a point of conversation since they brought it up?? Or maybe put that ego-donkey in his place for making a false statement about me. Hard to say.

It’s my thread dummy. It was a suggestion I made, you know… LEARNING from the competition?? Even despite them doing a bunch of things that I think make for bad MMO-design, it’s possible they get a few elements right, right??


The context of that was referring to PTR and designing raid bosses around addons as they’re just coming out. The encounter features OF the addons are developed in response to the fight. You can’t design the weak aura to respond to mechanics before you even know what they are because Blizzard hasn’t built the boss yet…

YouTube contributes to this for a lot of people, also there’s literally an adventure guide that feeds you information. I by the way think they could use this to their advantage, make players have to unlock their adventure guide slowly over the course of a zone story or via dungeon quests etc. that feed them “knowledge” about bosses or their backstories which then unlock not only the boss-info. page but also enable you to have the most basic in-game DBM features that Blizzard has already implemented using raid-warnings etc.

You understand it’s like literally the case that your eyes can only process “high definition” (if you want to call it that) information in the exact spot you’re currently focused on?? At least know what you’re talking about when you’re gonna get snarky.

…oh my god how many other things did you quote?? I’m done lol.

How about no.

HEY reverse that edit. Git gud was better.

There is no edit

I seent it.

No you didn’t. There’s no edit symbol.

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Look I don’t know how you performed your forum magic maybe it was a delete and repost. Witchcraft is lost on me I’m big dum zug warr.

What’s the difference between Blizzard making a much improved UI and a user having to learn that and that same user downloading Elvui and learning that? Sure they have to go somewhere and get it but that’s at the worst minutes of work. In the end with either choice they have to learn how to configure an addon OR just copy someone elses works they saw that they liked.

I write my own addons so I have a different viewpoint on this. I quite enjoy tinkering with all the things Blizz has available to make my addons. I can see your reasoning but people like me enjoy that customization.

No I couldn’t, I’m not formally educated in this stuff I just decided a bit over a year ago “I’m going to learn to make my own addons” and I spent a year going insane :laughing:

I’m no game developer so I have no idea but I don’t see how removing addons would make the game better. The lack of addons is the #2 reason I’d never play FFXIV (right behind never going to play another MMO anyways :laughing: ). It just doesn’t make sense to me that addons being gone would make the game more enjoyable. The only way I can see that making sense is if someone wants addons but doesn’t want to figure out which addons to get
(side note: go here
so they want Blizzard to be the source of all customization. Trying to be as unbiased about it as possible but it just doesn’t make sense that having less total customization makes for a more fun game.

If you edit your post fast enough after initially posting it the edit pencil won’t show, you can reply to me and test it if you want to see :smiley:

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That’s not how the forums work. Things that get deleted are still visible for 24 hrs as “post deleted by author” or some junk.
And, naw, I think I’m good with my add-ons right where they are.

Yeah that’s going to be a no from me.


Well I wouldn’t discount how important that few extra minutes of work getting the addon just installed is. It may seem foreign to you, and it did to me for a long time, but if you have the right kinds of friends you’ll find there’s people who WoW appeals to that just hate the idea of having to go third party to get the game working smoothly for them, and they don’t like the idea of being at a competitive disadvantage if they simply ignore the addons. Over time their arguments start to make sense even to a UI customization junkie.

The difference is that Blizzard can tailor it to not only look and feel like it belongs immersively in the game, but that all players are learning the same game together. It’s a bit more social glue, and means that Blizzard can provide their own basic UI customization tutorials either in-game on on the site. To be honest though my argument hinges more on the avoidance of the negative experiences above than it does on these positives ones that I’m pulling out of thin air.

I wouldn’t underestimate yourself. That knowledge may only refer to this specific client but the logic behind it and the attention to detail or any elements of style that you may have honed could be made to translate to other game UI’s. It’s harder to PROVE your worth to a developer when the skills are so enclosed like this but you have people right now building their portfolios off the back of simply working on Skyrim addons and then moving into official industry jobs.

Yea but then you need to ask the question why do you need the addons?? If it’s because their UI is insufficiently customizable or just poor quality in general then the answer provides your alternative solution right there.

you would gain a lot more traction - and support - if instead of asking for addons to be banned, you asked for the base UI to be improved.

the base UI is absolute garbage.

it can be made better
and we can still have addons

also stop it with the “new players can’t handle addons” pearl clutching. new players aren’t stupid.