Ban addons, IMPROVE your core interface

then don’t use them lol.

i would rather they spend their resources creating actual content, rather than reinventing tools somebody else already built


If you haven’t talked to many people who think it’s dumb that they have to download a suite of third party addons to be competitive, ALLOWED in a guild or just generally have a good modern interface then it might help to meet a few more gamers. They’re a different breed than forum-dwellers, but they pay the bills.

It’s true that I think game designers should have a say about what these tools can do, but TBH great designers could probably hammer out these ideas in one meeting, and just revisit them every so often once the UI designers have something to show.

In that sense, the people they likely require to build you the new content you’re talking about are probably not going to create much of a hold-up in that pipeline. Also, they wouldn’t exactly be copying addons, that’s not really what I had in mind. I’m thinking immersive UI options that match up with the varying themes of Warcraft.

“it’s important to me to be competitive”

here, click these buttons to install some addons that will help

“woah, hey, it’s not that important to me”


if you can figure out how to download a game, I’m sure you can also figure out how to download an addon. It literally only takes 10 seconds of your time to do jesus christ.


I don’t think you’re going to get anywhere with your request. Blizz has removed OPTIONS from the interface window I think it was in WoD or Legion that you need addons for now in order to adjust those settings :weary:
Moves like that don’t seem like the moves a company would take if they were interested in removing all addons to develop their own UI.

I agree that the stock UI should be improved, I’ll always say it can be improved but the challenge for you is what good reason is there to remove addons that modify the UI, ignoring ‘combat addons’? Why can’t they coexist and those who like modifying their UI can do that and those that like the stock UI can use that?

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But man, elvui is so superior to the default ui. I honestly don’t think u could go back to using the default.

You’re spare parts bud

This guy is complaining that some addons have “too many options”; it’s intimidating apparently.

Last I checked, most of them have default profiles setup for people like OP who are intimidated by said options.

This just sounds like laziness and entitlement.

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OP is also a classic andy that legitimately believes that classic classes are ‘more strategic’ than retail, so they are a lost cause.

I’m still confused why banning addons is even part of the post.
Improving the base UI isn’t exactly mutually exclusive with addons being allowed.

Also if you use Elvui you can copy+paste other peoples profiles from


OP is actually babbling baboon. Dude is probably struggling clearing tbc content.

I would say,no. Reason is that the addons are like customization and that blizzard has enough problem with content development ,let them make the content first .

Yeah I mean that’s funny but as an argument it’s bad. People want the product to be finished coming in generally, they don’t want to feel like they’re having to get a bunch of supporting elements to make it work, they just want it to work - out of the box. If they want further customization, they generally would prefer not to have to go the extra mile.

I’m not talking about people to whom being “competitive” is a LIFESTYLE in that they’ll do anything to reach those ends. I’m talking about a feeling that casual players experience who still want the opportunity to think they’re good at the game (whether they are or not) go through. The complexity and options provided by modern-day addons is an artificial barrier to that sense that players have.

I think it’s a contributing factor to WoW’s immense decline. Maybe not even among the most important ones, although it’s hard to say. I hate it in some ways, but accessibility is a huge deal these days… with any product. There’s a balance that has to be struck. Like I think iPhones are accessible, but I hate the loss of control coming from a lifelong windows user.

Phones however are extremely versatile tools with no clear purpose ironically. They have a few bullet points (making calls, taking photos, GPS), but they’re arguably SUPPOSED to be much more modular from the start as part of their purpose. When you look at a video game, unless it’s core design vision IS flexibility itself (Minecraft maybe?), then it’s supposed to appeal to a certain vision. That’s why classes have identity at all, for example.

You say that, but removing addons would actually do the same thing, it would be loss of control.


/facepalm… and I went on in the same post explaining why the contexts are different. I mentioned that as a point of relatability to the detractors.

I mean I don’t really know much about sorting out logs cause it’s not really interesting to me since they can be cheesed, but I’m sure you can look me up. I’m gearing up for glad push later this szn, played a crappy comp to 2150 a couple of times in current S2 (that’s harder weeks 1-2 of S2 than it is in current retail, ladder is always relative). TBC is REALLY time and gold intensive though so it’ll take me a minute to get caught up. Classic community is pretty much a bunch of dads so half the battle is just scheduling… but like I said elsewhere in this thread I got like a 95 damage parse on my first Vashj kill. All I’m missing is KT at this point. Wouldn’t call that a “struggle”, Phase 2 is relatively new and I’ve only been raiding it for the past couple weeks due to not having a guild at the start. I’m not using optimal professions to pad the meters or anything either. I’m sure I have some fights with crappy parses or whatever, sometimes you don’t get a heal when you should have, sometimes TBC fights give you really bad mechanics RNG that can be unavoidable in some situations.

If you were as good as your gatekeeping attitude suggests you are then you would know that though… and you would know why your point is moot, but you aren’t, and you don’t, lol.

Ive actually spent countless hours using elvui and weak-auras to make my overall game look many years more “modern”

You can add your own custom sound effects, animations, particle effects, textures, etc.

When everything is said and done, it ALMOST looks and sounds like you’re playing WOW 2.

No one is being raidblocked by having to download DBM.

Weak aura’s are not required for raid performance, hell I only use them for better class tracking of buffs/debuffs/cooldowns.

Removing addons is literally removing peoples control over the way they see the game, there is zero way that blizzard could improve the UI to a point that it would please everyone’s tastes.