Ban addons, IMPROVE your core interface

Lol, I didn’t do Azshara with weak auras. I just looked at my debuffs and the little graphics over my head.

Could be. I don’t RP so I don’t know which one for sure. I just heard about the new API changes recently since blizz wanted access to what people were writing in their profiles and they didn’t have access before. So now they do and as a consequence, they will ban you if you write offensive things.

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The devs already crack down on addons that make raid mechanics trivial

An in-game editor is never going to give the same level of control over your UI as Lua does

Classic was not as strategically interesting as retail

Why? UI customization through addons is one of the best features of WoW. There is no one-size-fits-all solution to add-on customization. I still play SWTOR from time to time and there are lots of things I’d like to do with the interface that isn’t supported by their “customization” options. Not to mention SWTOR ridiculous policy on Macros. Supposedly they are banned, but I’ve been using macros on my Razer Mouse and Keyboard in that game since release without even a single warning. As have a number of people I’ve played with.

The original SWTOR UI was, well, absolutely awful. The new one is tolerable, but nowhere near as customizable as the WoW UI using addons.

total roleplay?

hard no, sorry

I never said they needed to replicate addons, I would expect MOST of the power of addons to disappear

Shouldn’t be hard, Tauren supremacy.

Raids of course not, partially due to the fact that they have to compete with powerful addons to make fights harder. Classes though?? Warrior in TBC is at least 2x more complex in TBC than retail. In Wrath it’s going to be more like 4x, as far as PvP-arms goes.

I agree, I’m not asking for the SWTOR UI, I’m asking for an approach to customization similar to theirs at a baseline, with a massive leap in quality that you would expect from Blizzard at their best.

same to be honest, I didn’t even read the OP but I know for sure your argument isn’t even worth reading. leave addons alone.

Yeah can’t have that lol, I like exact precise control over every part of my UI

Yeah so the both of you are acting in bad faith. The healthy approach is to make people like you aware that until you course correct you are not worth further engagement with. If you don’t care about the subject that’s fine, but if you come into strong arguments that you simply disagree with and say as much based on nothing but the headline then you’re going to be placed in a deserving category.

I read your post and nothing about it is surprising or different than the other delete addon threads that have happened.

If you simply asked for a better base ui then everyone would be agreeing with you. But you didn’t. So they arnt


I read this post, stepped away for a few minutes to digest it, and read it again. I can confirm that this is easily the worst take I have ever seen on this forum and that takes some doing. Bravo Mr. Classic Andy, you got me today.

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You do realize that since you cannot have a conversation, nothing you’ve said holds any merit or weight, yes? All you’re doing is making yourself look worse and worse with zero credibility or respect.


Except it has everything to do with the thread. And the “you” was a general “you.” Not you, personally. You’re arguing for addons to be removed with zero understanding of how they even work. And just like last week, with the other person who cried about addons, if you (the general populace) are bad at the game, then that’s a you (the general populace) issue, not the lack or use of addons.


Oh I care about the subject, I just don’t care about your opinion because it’s a bad one.

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Name matches the post


Not that we ever needed to read too much of this since this is pretty much a “Ban addons, their cheating” post we seen a bunch of times.

For my answer on this, after giving it a read, i’m still gonna have to go with no. Players should have the choice of addons or not. And if you want to play without addons, you are afforded that choice, whether it be playing without them, and/or playing with others who play without them.

You clearly do care enough to reply.


Keep addons, still improve core interface


your being met with bad faith because addons are cheating threads are one of the most irrational and worthless threads and you get put in the deserving category of your opinion being worth less than tap water as a result

Yeah I mean what I’m suggesting is going to be challenging for anyone. Telling people they ought to give up some control in lieu of better game-design so that this game can have a more clear intent and purpose built into it’s front-end to get more players on board AND to help manage balance while getting across the intended experience is I’m sure if well executed just going to make for a better game.

Of course that has to account for some customization, even if purely due to the fact that there are many different areas of the game to focus on. A PvP interface is likely to be different than a raid one, and of course they should take inspiration from addons, and probably allow people to save and load templates easily not only for different gameplay but to be reused with later characters.

What people are really mad at is that they can’t trust Blizzard to do this right, but I don’t know how you get a better Blizzard without challenging them to sharpen their tools as opposed to relying on third party solutions, especially when the third party solutions can create so many unnecessary messes AND interfere with the onboarding of new players.

How can they be cheating if they’re allowed? I’m just saying they make for a bad experience compared to what simple creative alternatives could do for the community.

I think combat addons should be banned, other addons are fine.