Ban addons, IMPROVE your core interface

Call it what you will. It amounted to players gaining a little too much control over the game than Blizz liked :joy:

There are add-ons that helped facilitate botting though. Usually multiboxing add-ons tied with external software.

Me? Not long, but I’ve been doing it for years. This game needs a constant stream of new players, its not designed around dynamically changing starting experiences over a period of long-term server growth. Progress in this game is a conveyor belt, and a new player learning all of that and sifting through addons and then also having to figure out which way they prefer the addons and constantly changing them, as opposed to having a few solid simple elements with BASIC customization options e.g. (different skins potentially, and placement options like on a snapping grid for example) would go a long way for them.

Classy. Real classy.


huh…had I said this Id be on a vacation right this second…lol

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This is the real answer. Either that or some dev’s friend/spouse got upset about the uncommon habit of people afking to make other people in the party complete the wq. (Aka just like how the garrosh line got purged cause a child from a dev’s friend or w/e).

I remember the night in bfa pre-patch when they did that too. Never really experienced live hotfixes in the game and it was so bizarre when I was trying to do darkshore that night after work.

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Can you repeat that?? Can’t hear you down here while you’re up on that fake high road.

What about the other guy?? You’re going to nail me for punching back at snippy comments about me not understanding addons and being bad at the game which have nothing to do with the thread??

WA isn’t an encounter-specific tool that makes specific raid fights easier. Blizzard is well aware of what the people who create custom WAs can do within the tool which is all they need to account for.

Btw running 146 addons as wowup says (obviously libraries and modules add to this count). None of these are cosmetic/font addons.

Gonna install another addon to get OP upset.

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  1. yes the UI needs improvement
  2. No…addons should not be banned
  3. thread /muted.

And what part of having better base UI options requires the banning of addons?
It really seems like you’ve just tacked on banning addons to an actually good idea because you have some strange personal issue with addons.

You also seem to be unaware of addons existing outside of UI/Raiding ones, which makes it seem even more like a weird personal vendetta. Unless you also have some issue with addons like Rarity?


Nothing fake about my high road.

The other people have almost entirely picked on your argument not you. You on the other hand have said


Incidentally, blizz has been known to add new “hooks” into their API to gain direct access as to what is going on in an addon. They did it for that RP addon that everyone uses that I forget the name of. It’s how Blizz will now ban people based on what they’ve written inside their RP profile within the addon.

It brings me joy to see GD almost overwhelmingly agree on something.

It’s a rare magical moment that no one believes will ever happen…but then it does


I do agree that they need to improve their default UI and probably incorporate some of the more common addon features into it. But making is no addons would work is a bridge to far.

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It’s interesting the different responses people have to different problems. Frustrated with the current system you opted to make a thread asking for the banning of all addons and have Blizzard provide tools for customization. That is incredibly dangerous putting your faith in Blizzard to come up with a system like that :laughing: I went the other way, I learned how to make my own addons so I could customize my interface exactly how I want it and now no matter what class or spec I play my UI will be how I like.

People say this yet it can’t be as simple as that because if it were then M raids would be steamrolled by anyone with the addons.

I don’t think you understand the magnitude of this request. The UI is colossal, a change like this would be at least its own patch if not a prominent feature of an expansion. It’s not a simple thing to provide the amount of control we have now with addons in the base UI


So basically Blizz can improve their default UI for new players and add-ons can still be an option for people who wish to use them.


Fun fact. Vanilla originally only allowed 2? ability bars. It was an addon that increased the simultaneously viewable amount of bars, which blizz eventually integrated into the base UI. I agree much more could be done to incorporate some of the more pupular add-ons though. Hell, the entire map pin system is based on TomTom. It’s no where near as good as TomTom but it’s something.

Wasn’t it just two visible bars, with the ability to scroll to the next two by a key command?

From my cold, dead paws, buddy.