Ban addons, IMPROVE your core interface

Another prime example of why being a gamer does NOT equate to being a game designer.

Poor ideas and poor reasoning supporting them.


i’m honestly convinced OP is just immensely confused by addons and doesn’t understand how to use them, so he wants them banned instead




I haven’t insulted you once. Even when you called me an “ape”


Almost 17 at this point.

And now the fights are designed with addons in mind, so we would also have to see a degradation in fight complexity, that could be good or bad depending on your thoughts on it.

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Yes, this is frustrating to have to deal with constantly, AND the reason this problem exists is because players are trying to fill gaps caused by outdated and weak interface design. This could be MOSTLY avoided is my point. It’s not a good casual experience for anyone trying to come to WoW while simultaneously desiring to be included in the developing meta of the game in a reasonable way.

I had time to read it and that’s no from me dawg.


I started looking at that one the other day…I might try and see if I like it.
But yeah…on my end addons have been quite a pain.

Nope sorry. BUT… YOU can play with no addons as we speak. There we go. Problem solved.

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if you don’t want to change EVERYTHING about your ui I wouldn’t.

Though it does make it extremely easy to adjust your ui to your playstyle and change it based on role automatically.

Like you like your raid frames in one place on healers and another on dps/tanks you can easily do that and set it up to switch when you change specs.

Removing addons would require severe dumbing down of raid encounters, and massive updates to the UI interface in terms of tracking buffs, debuffs, CDs, and minions.

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I get the argument to ban add-ons. It does have a certain appeal. Levels the playing field, reduces likelihood of hacks and botters etc.

Problem is, wow is like the Firefox of MMOs. It’s main strength is it’s extensibility and personal customisation through add-ons. Not using add-ons in wow is like surfing the web without a decent adblocker. Sure you can do it. But what a horrible and ineffective experience.


Pretty sure neither of those use the extremely regulated API to do much.

That’s probably the worst analogy I’ve heard this week on the forums.

No you don’t, considering you don’t even understand how add-ons work.

There are no “right” add-ons. There are preferential ones based on person or raid team.

It’s an MMORPG. People can do whatever they like. If someone wants a custom UI, then so be it. That doesn’t affect you.

I’ve raided with two progression guilds and three casual guilds. 50% of those people didn’t use a custom UI. They were just fine.

If you’re bad at the game, then you’re bad at the game. Add-ons aren’t to blame.


Banning addons and trying to replace them with an enhanced UI would be like a restaurant getting rid of it’s menu and trying to serve one pizza that everyone would like.


Yep you’re right, no idea.

JK here’s my TBC addons unlocked… actually I forgot to show a few things and this is quite a bit less than what I used on retail.

imgur dot com/C52cwjH

Depends which time period you’re talking about. The API wasn’t always this locked down. Hell, the Legion addon literally everybody used, WQGF, ostensibly caused server side issues so they blocked auto-accept. Questionable whether that was the true reason but that’s the reason they gave. Truth probably was that it allowed players to complete WQ’s faster than they had calculated for their /timeplayed metrics.

Also anyone remember Noob Blocker? That addon effectively shut down the entire SA server cluster lol.

So, how many hours did it take you to create that?

Can you tie your shoes?

I mean, that’s not hacking/botting though.

I do remember WQGF, ended up with a lot of AFK farm people joining lol.