Ban addons, IMPROVE your core interface

Right? Weak auras don’t even need to be set up.

I disagree. I think Blizz should transition into full mod support and let the playerbase take care of things. There’s some really talented art designers who can do Blizzard’s job.


WHEN? In 2004? Or now?? You want to know ONE of the reasons why it’s not engaging now?? We have higher standards, PARTIALLY influenced by better peripherals (nothing they can do about you having a higher framerate monitor, better internet connection, better mouse etc.) and powerful hand-holding addons.

IQ diff.

Honestly op should be proud. They found something that has more people agreeing on than any post I have seen for a while. They all disagree with them but still. Finding something so close to unanimous on the forums is hard.


From the current tier, please go do Mythic Painsmith, Mythic Fatescribe, Mythic Kelthuzaad, or Mythic Sylvanas. Then come back and explain to us how addons “tell you what to do every step of the way” in those fights.

Then we can have a discussion. But not until then.


If ppl want more challenging raid bosses, all they have to do is turn off their addons. Most boss mechanics have a built-in tell or telegraph if you actually pay attention. Blood Princes were so hard in ICC because the spells they put on ppl didn’t have telegraphs.

So you want WoW to be an open source project essentially developed in a sandbox?? That’s going to cost you game-identity. Decentralization is great for some things, for game design it gets you a disjointed vision, which usually (unless the entire purpose of the game is to BE a sandbox) lands you in a place where everything is painfully average and nothing is particularly excellent.

The former doesnt need to happen in order for the latter, lmao.
addons are fine. And they need to make the in game UI a lot better.


Some parts sure, but other parts… remember when they changed the way the ui was laid out? People flipped.

No way, default ui is garbage!

I wouldn’t say we should go into a sandbox project (there are PS that do some pretty crazy things). I’m thinking more in line of community-driven items/skins/gear/glyphs that could be voted on or something. It just seems like a waste to see all the amazing things people can do with the game just gather dust.

E.g. check out @Peterodox on twitter. He does some really amazing work.

personally what Id like is the in game version of MoveAnything. Just let us move things where we want them…or remove them entirely.
Problem with the addon is the game gets updated and now my addon is out of date…sometimes permanently


Move anything in game itself would definitely solve a lot of issues.

Though I very seldom have the out-of-date addons break anything unless they changed a major API call.

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Both. Back in '04, MC was not engaging in the slightest. And we just roflstomped it during the anniversary and were still bored to death.

They were brain dead simple fights and the only time where add-ons weren’t as popular, though CTRaid did exist back then.

This has nothing to do with raid mechanics. :woman_facepalming:t4:

So once again, no good argument and resorts to random nonsense comment. :+1:


I always find that lobbing out random poorly thought out insults helps me win arguments /s


The problem I run into is the person making the addon I like just quits lol. Ive had maybe 4 addons just cheese out on me after a game patch and the addon maker is either MIA or says on CF that hes no longer working on it.
I was using Bartender…and while it did get updated…it hosed my game UI. I had MoveAnything trash it all a couple years ago too. Im barely running any addons now because of the problems when the game updates and the addon is days before they do anything about it.

Id like the farmhud to be an ingame thing…and moveanything. Those two would make my life complete, lol

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I mean it’s expected. If you tell a junkie you’re going to take away his sawce because it’s hurting him and people around him… 9/10 he’s going to resist you. Do this to an entire culture at once?? Well.

This is so meaningless gate-keeping. I have sufficient skill to understand whatever you throw at me. Been 2650+ multiple expansions in arena and played a non-mongo comp to Gladiator. Raided Mythic Uldir aotc, clearing current raids in TK. 95 parse on Lady Vashj first kill with suboptimal professions and 0 recent raid experience… and NONE of that matters. I firmly believe ANYBODY can do ANY of the content in retail WoW if they spend a little time learning the fights and getting the right addons.

People will simply require varying amounts of time to learn due to intelligence or learning style differences. Some people are just WAY more motiviated and enjoy that competitive environment more than others, and probably the biggest elements that often gets underappreciated is the degree of organization your guild has. You could be the best mage in the world but nobody knows it because you’ve chosen to play in a guild of friends and never been in an environment where that can shine (although unlikely, because you wouldn’t be PRACTICING in an competitive environment on the daily).

I understand why you think it argument makes sense and I would have made it myself 10 years ago. The problem is that games have to appeal to human psychology, and take it into account. Unfortunately people tend to take the path of least resistance and you need to design your game with PEOPLE in mind, you want to prevent people from getting in the way of their own fun. I’ve had short-term fun messing around building custom UIs, but building custom UIs is not the POINT of WoW, and what you find over the long haul is that it’s tiring and frustrating for most players to have to constantly re-do this process.

We’re in a gaming culture where extreme ease-of-use games have been dominating for some time. Ease-of-use doesn’t mean you can’t also have a game that has long-term fulfilling goals and designs, but if your competitors are doing it and you aren’t, (even if no other MMOs are handling UI completely to the point that I think Blizzard COULD be, like by next month if they wanted to) that’s going to cost you something. In my experience it means a thinning out of people who just want to PLAY the game and feel that they’re on even footing in terms of the basic tools they’ve been given up front (e.g. the client / software in this case, but in many other cases it’s to do with gold buying which is also extrinsically reliant).

I tend to use dominos because the bartender guy is slow to update, but i’ve honestly never had either break.

My wife uses elvui so i’m pretty sure that one will never die.

That was literally the first thing you did in this thread. Funny to watch people crumple up and play the victim when they get hit back.

Bad idea to attempt something like this. Taking away the addons people have been using for over fifteen years would go over very badly.