Ban addons, IMPROVE your core interface

You can have my addons when you pry them from my cold dead hands, and even then, good luck! Because I will have glued them to my cold dead hands.


Bruh the developers know the limitations of addons / weak auras and if the limitation that they have in mind is ever broken ( line weak aura used on jaina ), then they break that weak aura and would break it again.

They design encounters with weak auras and boss mods in mind.

If you think they don’t then Your head is so far up your rear I don’t know what els to tell you.

Idc if I get banned for this comment so tired of arguing with clowns on here who think they know but know nothing.

Go get CE with 19 of your friends with out any one of you using weak auras or addons ( including dmg meters ) and come back and talk to me .


No need to be rude. It doesn’t make you big and frankly is just a bad look.

And what humanity said above


Disagree with banning addons.

Very much agree with improving core interface.

Moveable action bars for example is an extremely basic one but needs to be made core.


For the same reason some people enjoy a good coloring book?

Breaking an addon after the fact is not the same as designing fights around addons but regardless of our semantic disagreement about what “in mind” means, it’s bad game design to build the fights around addons or allow such a massive wildcard to throw wrenches in the game that would require them to backtrack and deal with them.

They know what addons are and are not capable of doing. Especially after mythic archimond in wod. They then design mechanics around what people will make. They have literally said so in interviews

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It seems like addons are annoying to you, so maybe cut back.

I personally set up all classes more ore less the same. 1st 4 buttons single rotation, next couple of buttons multi attack. Defensives etc also same positions.

The common argument is that people like learning the fights through visual cues without an addon telling you exactly what is coming or what to do. It requires a certain degree of natural failure from you the player and your raid in order to test mechanics.

In WoW, you go in knowing exactly what the fight is, with addons tuned to tell you what to do every step of the way. The only challenge there is one of execution and coordination of your raid, NOT an unimportant element or skill, but the point is that it COULD be better and require you to ALSO experience the content in a way that the devs would have more control over and would allow guilds to engage much more intimately with progression.

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They break the weak aura before anyone can use it to kill a boss.

Just like if anyone uses a bug or unintended strat ( see echoe’s sylvanas prog ) they also hot fix that ASAP, mid pull even.

Like you really don’t know what you’re talking about.

All addons do is reorganize information in which ever way you prefer. Information you would already have.

Edit: ok I really am done. Won’t keep going around in circles. See my last post and come back when you have accomplished it.

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Keep addons, improve your core interface!

I don’t know what I’d do without my beloved WIM addon. Best addon in this game. I can chat with people ignoring the constant yell, guild propaganda, trade chat and everything else.


You got me messed up if you think I’m saying bye to TRP3, DiceMaster, etc.


I think you should do some WoW fights that weren’t designed 15 years ago.


Molten Core was not engaging.

Except you don’t have any good arguments.


I feel like this is that other guy from the last week or so who knew nothing about add-ons but wanted them removed anyway.


Why would I try to make a creative argument when the facts are on my side? It takes 0 creativity to say for the third time) that Blizzard has publicly said they design fights with addons in mind.
You still haven’t addressed that yet

I like making my own custom UI additions. You leave my addons alone.

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Reductionist argument.

Human beings have sensory limitations. Your eyes cannot “focus” on several points of the screen at the same you. You have to shift between focusing and using peripheral vision, and that’s just one element of what an addon can remove.

Besides, EVERYTHING you’re talking about has only to do with the effects of raiding. You only seem concerned with world first. IN GENERAL for the average player it is still a bad experience to have to rely on addons to get a clean customized interface. I have plenty of friends who have played and enjoyed WoW but simply refuse to keep doing so because every time they come back from a break they know they’re going to have to download a bunch of third party stuff and spend hours setting it up to be on an even playing field JUST IN TERMS OF THEIR INTERFACE ADVANTAGES with other players.

If you care about the success of WoW that argument should be an easy win for you. If you’re a ego driven gate keeper then I can see why you wouldn’t care about that.

I have, scroll up.

Then demand better customization options from Blizzard, user friendly, automatically updated ones.

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I like making my own, though. I’m an amateur addon developer. I even have a couple of addons on Curse.

If I had to rebuild my entire UI from scratch, it would take like 15 minutes max.
In fact, I just did that yesterday for TBC.