Ban addons, IMPROVE your core interface

Yea it would be massive and one that I have absolutely 0 faith that bliz could pull off. They should absolutely improve their base ui but leave addons to catch what they inevitablely miss

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I wonder if anyone actually thinks it’ll happen. Like that’s way way way down on my list of things I could see Blizz doing lol.

i like mods, i like being able to pick and choose exactly how my ui looks, and add exactly what extra functions to i want.

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YA i dont think that wow players today can play with out being told to move out of the way its all about top dps … or who has a big dic well u know lol

People use all sorts of mods that do things like change the typeface of their scrolling battle text. Or make the minumapninto a square not a circle. It’s not all about performance

Why can’t we have both? You know blizzard devs for wow do the job they are (maybe?) over paid for without putting out any content (must be nice: get a paycheck and not have to improve the game at all /thumbs up)

Just make improvements AND keep add ons: just like they could ADD filters to everything that offends certain groups of people and don’t offend. This requires work of course and we see how that goes.


I do think WAs have gotten a little out of control recently in terms of boss abilities and such. Like DBM on steroids.

Traditionally WA was primarily for tracking cds/abilities/buffs/debuffs.

Now you have stuff like quaking bar in M+, auto marking spiked balls in Painsmith, etc. So I can see the argument that its getting excessive.

Then again, bosses have more mechanics than ever. So it’s a bit of an arms race now.

Yonbi, what would you say if I told you that WeakAuras isn’t magic. WeakAuras is merely a framework for easily creating notifications and auras. You can’t advocate for the removal of WeakAuras because WeakAuras doesn’t have any special code or anything it’s just the regular API in a convenient package so if WeakAuras was removed other standalone addons would popup to replace them

I’m not advocating its removal.

All I’m saying is that it is becoming a little OP.

There was some addon that was removed during Wrath, that my old guild used, and I thought was far less impactful than WA. (it was AVR listed above - just looked it up)

I’m fine with it staying or going. I certainly prefer WA over the default CD timers/effects Blizzard tried adding (at least as far as CD tracking)

You think AVR is less impactful than weakauras? How’s that? AVR would draw on the game world showing you exactly where to stand, that’s not even possible anymore so WA can’t come close to it.

Yeah but the thing is like there’s no special software that gets added with WeakAuras, it’s all code available for anyone to use so you can’t break or restrict or in any way prohibit WeakAuras without outright breaking the API it uses. I used to use WeakAuras but I don’t like that it’s so massive so I wrote my own addon to show my spell CDs similar to

there’s so many addons out there that PowerAuras (original WeakAuras) just replaced so without breaking the code WeakAuras uses to do what it does more addons will popup that will become the new mandatory.

If it makes you feel any better I only used two addons when I was playing. Allthethings & one for enemy health bars, because the base ones are traaaaash.

It was mostly to just move for Sindragosa’s frost shard thing. Something you can achieve with the in-game markers now.

Pretty sure you can get DBM to put markers over your head that correspond to the ones on the ground.

So you can literally recreate (at least our use case at the time).

Again not advocating the removal of anything. It was just an observation.

So, because you have problems with add-ons, no one should have add-ons. Sounds like a typical complaint.

Fact is, add-ons allow more player customization and let the devs focus on real game issues. It does happen sometimes that Blizzard adapts an add-on’s functions for the game, but there are still way too many options available for it to be worth their time to incorporate them all.

Plus, I will never give up my Altoholic.

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You can! That’s how AVR did it, you’d get a marker on your head and you’d move to the color on the ground that matched your marker lol.

Well not exactly because World Markers can only be place in a spot AVR let you indicate an entire area or just straight up draw on the game world

Yeah we definitely weren’t drawing out NFL plays like that.

Still kind of cool though.

Isn’t it lol, imagine M+, What’s that? Learn routes? Why? Just download AVR and the route will be on the ground gg.

There is no need to improve the interface.

It is just listen, pay attention. The clues of everything are already there, and they are obvious and plentiful.

DPS, that is something Blizzard already wrote a crap ton of explanations why it is problem, and although many dont accept their premises, they are pretty much what others also say in their own way.

Funny thing:

You enter a certain instance with a group that OBVIOUSLY done it already several times.
At a certain boss, goes as follows:
Boss: The chill of death protects me.
Some people dont even react. A freaking circle shows up, two people flocked and one is stuck. Dispell, the other is stuck.
Boss: None can escape the storm.
The guy stuck and the other guy who was dispelled stay in place. Both die.
Boss: I have had enough of you.
No DPS, no healer, wipe.
Nice. Start over.

Boss: The chill of death protects me.
The people doesnt move and all stacked. Dispell the chilled, two people get stuck.
Boss: None can escape the storm.
People dont move. Many dead.

Then, people come to the forum and ask why guilds are so picky.

I play with sound off

and speech bubbles/mob text disabled. Blizz would have to make every mechanic flash a strobe light if they removed addons :laughing:

Your problem

Nope, Blizzard’s since they give the option to do it they have to design whatever system around people that play that way. If they don’t want that problem they can remove the ability to mute sound and tell people to mute it in windows.