Ban addons, IMPROVE your core interface

As others have put it, not just hot, steaming :poop: take.

Then don’t, that’s completely optional for the most part.

If your own UI, doesn’t make sense to you when you return after a break. That’s called an user error, not the fault of the addons.

Also WoWUp is great for solving the issue of Out of date addons since Curseforge got bought by :poop: Wolf.


Whenever an addon overstepped what your referring too and made a mechanic “too easy” Blizzard stepped in and updated their policies against such a thing. I believe the last instance of this was back in Legion.

Otherwise, while addons make player life easier
 it’s not to the extent of which your speaking of.

Nothing personal, but they would lose more money from banning a QoL thing like Addons which have been around for majority of WoW’s life. Then anything, you or anyone for that matter could suggest to increase revenue in compensation.

Also addons are completely optional, if you don’t like them. Don’t use them, I still have friends that use Default they are far too lazy to set that :poop: up. They aren’t for everyone. Granted that also depends on the content that you want to do, but still


I agree with you, WoW without addons would simply call the game, the Internet Explorer of MMOs.

Are you suggesting i’m blind with all those addons? What kind of point is that? :laughing:

Obviously, no, the addons doesn’t hamper my vision, nor immersion in any way. In some cases it might even increase the immersion if i wanted to. Like LeatrixPlus to turn off those darn annoying talking heads. Or. Or
 WeakAuras and Bartender4 combo where i can make the Healthbar’s disappear completely and make it like a shooter game from an Xbox 360. You know the ones, the ones where you hide in brownish realistic looking cover wall for 80% of the game, and you heal 0 to 100 2 seconds flat after 2 seconds of waiting after getting shot that is practically godmode and get that gameplay broken up with QTEs every single time you blink? You remember those?..

I mean have you even seen my UI? It’s not that bad. Actually, lemme find that image i’ve took.


/Slaps it with the over the top punching effect. :facepunch:

Look at it. Look-at-the-pic. :point_down:

And that’s from running 43 addons.

Well yeah. It is my choice. It’s my choice to pick the addons i want, for whatever i want and whenever i want, and sometimes it comes at a sacrifice of immersion or might even enhance it depending on what i want or set it up as.

What’s your point? I mean i fail to see how this is bad? :man_shrugging:


I would like a realm that disables addons. Let other realms keep their addons. I would choose a realm where no one may use addons.

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Why do you want other people to not use them?


Whilst I certainly would like Blizzard to offer more up to date UIs and something more like weakaura as a part of the basic package, I can’t imagine a cold ban on all addons would do anything but nuke what little good will there is.

Been too much of a part of the game, for too long to go back now.

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How about nuke the problematic addons and leave the vast majority of the other ones alone.

Weakauras is the worst of the worst here. Anything players use WA for the devs should be giving you themselves. DBM is riding the line too. Stop making fights have 10 bajillion mechanics and classes/specs tracking umpteen megajillion things that basically necessitate a computer doing the bulk of the mental work the player themselves should be doing.

Addons should be strictly quality of life with any that the overall playerbase as seeing as useful and “mandatory” being incorporated into the game after fighting out why and what the initial design is lacking that made it so.

Might be a fun challenge without addons. Would be less fun if only a few played without addons and others had addons.

I like addons. But I would like the choice to be on an add-off realm server. Before War Mode, there were PvP realms where everyone was always flagged for PvP combat. It’s different, to say the least, but it was a choice that did not prevent other players from playing PvE on Normal realms.

Classic is that way - - >
Enjoy your 1 tank swap mechanic fights

Yea fair enough. It would be interesting to see what it was like but I’m not sure how many players you would get. It would have to be separated from sharing and crz etc too so getting players for groups etc might be hard.

Addons are great. When I started playing again with shadowlands it didn’t take long for me to find the same or similar 50+ addons I used to have in wrath. I love information at my fingertips and the qol improvements.

Not going to lie but the SWTOR editor is pretty terrible.

I do think they should add more into the default Blizz ui, but not in the way that you are saying.

If they’re not going to ban them, they should absolutely set some regulations on what can/can’t be used in PVP.


Horry Shcrap!

Do you know how much you can use WeakAuras for? Forget all the dungeon and raid stuff you’re thinking of there’s a mountain of other stuff you can use WeakAuras for, you want Blizz to offer 100% of that?

Wouldn’t be. The game would get nuked in difficulty if addons got nuked, they go hand in hand.

They do. Exactly what’s available now. If Blizz doesn’t like something it gets removed

Friendly nameplate mods in dungeons? Didn’t like it, banned

Drawing in the game world, didn’t like it, banned

Figuring out a units Z-Axis, didn’t like it, banned

Since Blizzard removed GetUnitPitch() in 7.1, I no longer plan to maintain this addon.

So everything that’s going on in pvp right now, Blizz approves of.

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But that’s only one-side of the ledger. I’m saying there should be both a banned set of addons and a recommended set of addons.

I do wish I could have the friendly names in dungeons as their class colours without hp bars just names. It would make it so much easier to see who is where. But I guess me having that allows too much other stuff probably. It’s a bummer though.

Ideally, yes. Weakauras - or something like it - should have been part of the game from the outset. However, that ship sailed long ago, so it is largely unfair to expect A: Blizz to ban it now and B: expect Blizz to replace it now.

Maybe it means he got AoTC and then got first boss mythic. You know, the freebie very difficult fight.

Though this whole suggestion is going down about as well as “remove mods from skyrim”

Baseline WeakAuras would be cool, sounds like a huge project though.