
I’m so confused about people complaining about completing content and hitting max level within 1-2 days of a release that lasts 95 days and saying “it takes too long”.

What did you all intend to do after levelling 13 classes to 70 in 12 hours and having 90 days left off the content?

If I had to guess, complain that Blizzard released an event with no content?

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Yes…why not? Thats what was advertised. Then you can spend the rest of the time getting more and more overpowered. Thats what was advertised. They failed to deliver on that. So why are you confused as to why people are complaining? Why arent you for being deceived?


No it wasn’t

It clearly was. Its even in their current advertisement video. With images and clips of stuff that cant even happen now after the nerfs.

Lol its even in their tagline about being overpowered…yet you arent. Cant claim they are wanting you overpowered when in the same vein they have a persistent nerf on classes because they are afraid of “balancing”.

Its all contradictory and bad messaging. Thus the complaints about “Bait and switch”.

HAHAHA…its still on the launcher about accelerated leveling event…“right out of the gate with accelerated leveling from 10-70”. LMAO. But “its not advertised as leveling event”…LMAO. You people…you people are the reason we cant have nice things.


I agree that the advertising was weird and some mechanics were not explained well.

But this is much faster than a typical casual player will level in Retail.

I know there are power leveling guides and all sorts of tricks. I like using Timewalking to get a bunch of levels.

But I also know that if I just Chromie Time my way through older expansions, it’s going to take a very long time.

Remix feels insanely fast compared to the characters I have in Northrend and Kalimdor right now. I’m obliterating entire camps of enemies in seconds, and it just keeps getting faster and easier as I go.

It’s literally right on their advertisement:

What is World of Warcraft Remix: Mists of Pandaria?

World of Warcraft Remix is a time-limited event which allows players to re-experience the entirety of the Mists of Pandaria expansion at an accelerated rate from level 10 through 70. All loot has been completely overhauled and has powerful new effects allowing players to shape their experience, power up, and power on.

“Accelerated Rate” “Overhauled and has powerful new effects”

It’s right there, and the experience is not as advertised. Leveling speed is the same as retail, and I’m certainly not any stronger than my retail toons I was leveling last week.

It’s not even the entirety of Mists since some of the quests were removed, but that’s beside the point.


Being deceived? Personally I don’t rely on ptr or streamers to deliver me misguided information.
How OP are we supposed to be? I one shot the hell out of things and go “what the hell happened to them?”.
Am I supposed to just walk into a zone and everything dies? That doesn’t sound fun at all.

Yes…you are supposed to. Thats what was advertised. We are talking about what blizzard themselves advertised. Not some streamers.


I dunno, as someone who has only just come from levelling their first character in Dragonflight, MoP remix is clearly faster to me, and I definitely feel more powerful.
Heck, dragon riding alone goes a massive way towards making things faster.

The only issue I’ve had so far is with some spawns being poor, and some quests being a bit buggy. (Notably clouds for serpent racing and closing rifts in Jade Forest)

Ontop of that, as people have mentioned, if you truly want an accelerated levelling process you can do raids to unlock massive XP buffs for the rest of your levelling instead of relying on the RNg nature of the cloak.

I literally afk and watch youtube between dungeon queues in retail and it’s still been faster than actively playing remix. It took me 9 hours to hit 40 in remix (8hr 52min) questing between dungeons, I’m at 37 on my retail paladin in 5 and a half afking in Stormwind for 10+ minutes at a time.


I wouldn’t be minding the leveling pace nearly as much if the scaling was better. My character feels weaker the more I level.


just like the good old days of bfa when you would get weaker the closer you got to 120

Its so bad I can just sunfire moonfire and outdamage dps 20 levels higher than me just spamming wrath.

I would happily be spamming dungeons and even jumping into some raids to farm bronze all day if I could level characters over a day or two instead of a week or two. Its nice to visit pandaria again. I liked this expansion. That said, I already experienced it for the first time. I’m not pogging out about it to the point I want to go through it at the approximate pace of retail, and definitely slower since I’m not sweating and blasting trying to get to 70 as quick as possible.

I guess my question is…if I have 13 max level chars and the mogs/mounts I desire, what would stop me from just farming missing items/sets on said characters in retail?

Aside from the level 20 mount, the keg and hat (which I don’t want), what else is there? The experience of Diablo-esque gem powers and using a movement skill from another class?

I have the heritage sets for the races I play…and don’t think I’ll be playing any other races. So, what is the incentive?

really that’s all there is for me too, thought maybe I’d just be picking out some mounts/toys/mogs I didn’t have and still wanted

But not if its a multi month slog. The gem powers aren’t that fun or cool.

I kind of thought so. I can run multiple characters through old content to farm toys, mounts, mogs…and wrap that up pretty quickly.

The gems, while interesting, are not something I’m totally sold on. I built a hunter just for funzies…and had started working out a talent path based on gems…but it ended up being damned near the same as retail.

I think this mode is more for people with fewer alts at max level - and for those who want to convert heritage armor sets when their characters “roll over” at the end of the event.

If you already have an alt-army, it seems you’re better off farming gold in preparation for the expansion. Is that sensible?

But it is accelerated and there is overhauled looting with powerful new effects…

Well, as people have been saying, it’s not accelerated, and yes the effects are new, but not powerful. So…


It is accelerated though. Others are comparing it to speed running.

Let me ask though, how far into it are you?