
Am I the only one who played the PTR weekend of this event and was so excited for the fast leveling/gear dropping fun fest that it was supposed to be? It reminded me before of Diablo and WoW having a baby together.

The live version seems very bait/switch because it is NOT like the PTR was. I feel like they got us all hyped only to do weird nerfs/balancing and taking the fun out again. PTR made me think I would be able to level all my heirloom toons I still lacked-but now I just feel like I am slogging through MoP the same was as it is today albeit with different rewards.

Blizzard, this is not how the advertisement/PTR of this event was-not even close. Please adjust it to add more fun in.


Lots of post about this…

I have not touched retail in forever but watching some streams and what people were saying about the fast lvling and the back transferring to alts had me pretty excited.

Alas I am now lvl 50 and made some alts and see none of what I saw is happening on live.

Blizzard wont change it, they got there resubs and that is that.

Q the who…


I didn’t play the PTR but I am a bit confused about the leveling speed. It was supposed to be fast, yet its substantially slower than just normal retail leveling.

Not sure what’s up with that.


Do a normal raid at 25, your XP boost shoots up substantially. I’m now at like 115% at level 30ish.


they did make adjustments to plunderstorm while it was going on, so i don’t think it’s out of the realm of possibility that they’ll increase some of the experience bonuses, or at least the bonus XP carryovers to alts. i doubt they’d go back to PTR levels though, which is a bit absurd…we should be able to get the 300%+ bonus on the cloak that we saw them advertise, even if they dont want us cheesing raids for XP


Oh, wow. I’m at 27% at 32.

Yeah, I was like 20% before doing normal Vaults. Each boss in the normal raid drops an item that ups your XP by a substantial percentage.

Also, other than the first boss (that requires tanks to swap properly), it’s a pretty easy raid.

People keep saying it’s “substantially slower” and yet I would like someone to point out to me where in the game you can get better EXP than doing two zones with very easy quests to get 60 levels.


The PTR stands for Public TEST Realm.

They decided to change some things before launch.

Deal with it.

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You can get to 70 in Dragonflight in 5 hours. I am 7 hours into remix and I’m level 32.


Its not slower at all.

Stop exaggerating.

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Alright but you can google it and there’s multiple guides on how to level 1-70 in the time it took me to get 20-30 in remix. The world record is apparently 90 minutes, not sure what the circumstances of that were.

Yes it is slower. You could level up with heirloom gear in timewalking faster than this. The only thing that was supposed to make this better was transferring the gains from to another…but that got nerfed into the ground…so now that point is taken away and thus making heirloom leveling still the fastest way.


It’s still 100% exp gain if you complete the achievements for it, that’s also the base, so from 100% you’ll build up from your new char.

They really need to give better xp bonuses outside of normal raiding at the very least. Not everyone has any interest in doing that.


So? Its still not faster. and saying a percentage means nothing without context and how the number is calculated. Its also nowhere close to the speed of leveling you would get in Draenor timewalking leveling before they nerfed the xp potions.

You want to make people happy? Just bring back the speed of leveling you would get in Spires of Arak timewalking…thats what people were expecting…something along those lines…actually better than those times…because thats what was promised…but still.


I think there’s issues with rng and xp threads…
I am level 47 with +57 exp. Other people are zooming through it.

It’s not faster at all, even that said. I levelled in Chromie time Pandaria less than a month ago. My /played to 54 was less than my /played to 47.

I admit, I did explore all the zones, and have spent more time changing gear out and gems/etc., but I can assure you for me this is a good deal slower than live is.


PTR is for testing, not for advertising.

It’s def faster, I am 70 in a day. The powers alone make you much more stronger and so level faster + dragon flying.

I leveled a bunch of toons at the beginning of DF using only cobalt assembly pre xp nerf. THAT was actually insanely fast and fun leveling.

Of course blizz nerfed that too.

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