Balnazzar Alliance Reconnections

Looks like we were in the same guild.
Do you remember Quilek, Doubleblast, Thundercack, Daylife?

as Per WoW Classic Realm Names and Types - Updated Aug. 27

the classic servers have been announced, should we use this space as an opportunity to brainstorm a place to go?

I’m in Pacific Time, so i’m biased to vote that way. - there is 5 PST Servers
PvE: Atiesh, Myzrael
PvP: Fairbanks, Whitemane
RP-PvP: Grobbulus

There isn’t really a server name with a distinctly clear connection to Balnazzar. - Probably Whitemane? Balnazzar does have clear connections to the scarlet crusade, and Whitemane only makes slightly more sense than Fairbanks since he appears on the “live side” of the dungeon he appears in. (And it is a PvP server after all)

However, Balnazzar as a CST server, is “closer” to the EST time zone. so here are the EST servers.
PvE: Mankirk, Pagle
PvP: Herod, Thalnos, Faerlina
RP: Bloodsail Buccaneers

for the same reasoning as above, would Herod be our server for the “scarlet crusade” connection and further narrowed down eliminating Thalnos for being “not alive enough”

as Per

the “Streamer Server” will not be Fairbanks or Thalnos. (some people are saying he also says it will most likely be an East Coast server they choose)

Personally, i am indifferent to streamer servers, but I’m sure many of you have strong opinions on this, so it’s worth considering.

Yes totally remember Quilek the mage! Thundercack was the guild lead, Hunter i believe. :stuck_out_tongue: Good times! Do you remember Elihu the druid?

Gazaks - Gnome Rogue
Dinnji - Dranei Shaman
Dinnja - Dranei Shaman
Kryyk - Goblin Mage
Raging Daisies

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Jaketronic - Nightelf Hunter
Highwind/Comeback Sunday

Looking to find anyone who was playing back on Balnazzar who is diving back into the game.

Ttboss, there are a number of us former Highwinders looking to play Classic, Josh and myself are playing for sure, Jack (Jackbot - Rogue) is probably going to play, so is Marcus (Moky - Gnome Warrior), I’ve talked to Hank (Hanktronic - Human Rogue) and AJ (Ajtronic - Nightelf Warrior) who have expressed interest. Pat and Kyle are thinking of playing as well. I would love to get more people in, I would also like to get in contact with Red to see if he’s going to play as well. Hit me up.

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I’m East Coast and I’m shooting for PvP to get the full experience. Herod would be my choice. I know a bunch of WBS, Highwind and so on went Horde during BC after all the major raiding guilds merged, Balnazzars Last Hope I think was the name, so I’m going to look for them on that side. Shoot me a battletag invite. I’ll be playing a Warrior, Prot.

Btw, if anyone’s seen Muffinman let me know.


I dont remember Elithu, but i do remember a druid that we raided with and we all were on Ventrilo. There was a lady that was a Paladin human but i dont remember her name.

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I can’t believe I remember most of the names you’ve listed. I was Grimxly - Warrior in brewcity, with my sons Phesti - rogue, and ishtaep - warlock until they went to Raging daisies and then to horde. Axyl - druid. venusiana and Gnomo I think are still both there on balnazzar. it was fun back then.

I remember you Trilic, i think we were in guild together in Raging Daisies. I was Dinnja female Draenei Resto Shaman.

Hey everyone! I’m restarting after an age of not playing WoW.

I’m trying to find some friends I used to play with on Balnazzar(I think), we started a guild together(forget the name) and raided in BC and Vanilla. But the guild mates were Delilah(Druid or Hunter) and Truaid(Warrior). Sound familiar to anyone?

I was Silvereye, prety sure I changed the name to ‘Hate’ in an angry teenager fit at some point. lol
Human Warlock
Bounced around between guilds a bit I think? Its been a long time.

Taigha, Human Warrior - raided fury
The Power of Illusion - guild
Guild Leader was Lilybelle or something close to that, gave me a white cat pet.

Did you ever join or raid with boomdock saints? I couple of your names sound incredibly familiar. Axyl in particular.

Lexor, Human Warlock - RAVEN

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Rizta, Gnome Rogue…
ZyEye & The Apotheosis
Can’t remember a ton of names besides Ashes, Iroas, Akihoshino. I was undergeared but still pullin dat DPS with you guys.


Duvain, Night Elf rogue (this toon actually). I was in a few diff guilds I think, one i remember is Painbow Brite. Used to pvp a lot.

Hi yall,
I remember playing back in the day for 2 guilds.
Ancient Protectors
Disciplines of Sun Tzu

I loved raiding but you know server kinda went down so i transfered!

Yooo! It’s awesome to see some We Brought Snacks people still around! I played a Gnome Mage named Hidro. I remember most if not all of you from WBS that have posted and always loved that guild. I dunno what exactly I’m playing for Classic, but feel free to keep in touch!

I remember that guild from back in the days. That guild was also strong in PVP if i recall correctly!