Bald and Shaved Head for Females

Too long have I championed this cause in the comments of other threads.

Too long have I hoped to garner any attention for this cause by relying on people just perusing the thread I post in.

Now is the time to rally support under the unifying banner of it’s own thread! We want bald and shaved heads for females! Women of Azeroth deserve to feel the cool breeze against their scalp, just the same as men!

Let’s get these customizations options going!

Customization for females of all races, not just elves.


YES PLEASE. I’d love to have the option for bald females. It’s far past due.


Absolutely! Bald is beautiful, bald is sexy.


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You’re damn right it is.

It’s all that and also powerful, and in this game with plenty of fighting and war - it only makes sense.

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I am still waiting on long beards for males. I want a long wizard beard for my male human rogue.
As for the bald option for females… not my thing, but more customizations are good. How about a mohawk option? Maybe one side shaved? Mullet?

Edit: I also want a fire option for Night Elves both male and female.

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No reason we can’t have Lexa Luthor, right?
(Seriously though, I do support this. Every race/gender combo should get bald as an option.)

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I’d be a hypocrite if I didn’t support this post.

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One of the first things I was taught in martial arts is that an opponents hair can always be used as a weapon. Even though my own hair is long, I am aware of how advantageous it would be for a foe to grab it.

Which is why I carry/wear a bandana. I just can’t go bald myself, I love my long locks.



Reminds me of Rattakai from SWTOR.


How about a beard option for females? Come on Blizz, make it happen!

It makes no sense Blizzard hasn’t done this already, but I’m willing to look past this delay and accept these shortcomings with no explanation necessary if we can make it right this go-around with the new customizations coming.

This would literally be the easiest customization option Blizzard has ever added, so I’m all for it.

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The female mechagnomes would love this.

…if there are still female mechagnomes. :thinking:


I can’t imagine what difficulty there would be associated with it.

I’m no game designer or anything, but they’ve already got it implemented for every race of the other gender (as far as I know).

This has to be an easy ask.

Female… what?

Yes but only for dwarf females. :stuck_out_tongue:

I support this. It does seem more practical in a combat situation than beautiful long flowing Locks.

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You can believe the Dora Milaje in Black Panther are strong and able and dedicated to martial pursuits

I support baldness for everyone!

I’m bald underneath that chainmail coif. :blush:


Sinead O’connor look alikes?

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