Bald and Shaved Head for Females

That’s certainly a direction you could go with it

I’ll admit that was one of the first thoughts that popped into my mind. :sweat_smile:

More options for players in an MMORPG is always a win!

-_- weirdo…

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shaved pandas next

Hmmmm what are you trying to say?

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Hair is sexy too, but bald women have a shine that is hard to ignore.


Not sure if intended but there is a bald female draenei.


As long as it’s a Horde only option.

Wow, look at that

It looks great. Here’s to hoping for more!

I love being able to make bald DI dwarves with tattoos on their foreheads and faces…it’s fierce. I like bald female orcs, too.

I’d like to see a “shadow” bald style for more females, as well, that looks like a calculated choice to shave the head rather than a “don’t have any live follicles and had no choice” situation.


That Draenei hair is the BEST hair I’ve seen for females in this game. EVER. They better share those with other races. :stuck_out_tongue:

That short side braid is LIFE, and it’s everything I’ve ever asked for with the human females.

I don’t care one way or another but I liked your post because it’s awesome!

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Those new horn options are fantastic!
