Balancing the Vote-Kick Penalty: A Call for Change


Let’s say you have a friend that’s brand new to the game. They gets lost in a dungeon, get kicked without being disruptive, trolling, or anything of the like, and now has a 30 minute deserter. Do you think them getting deserter is fair?

This scenario is what those of us in favor of lessening the deserter punishment are trying to suggest to remedy. Innocent kicks. We don’t want people to be dicks without repercussion, which that itself can solved by using the report player function. We want kicks to happen LESS. Some kicks are NOT justified.

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well, you and I both know the post that the mod left up for over a day and a half and that poster wasnt banned for literally breaking the law and violating this forums rules in spectactular fashion, lol.

I did contact the entities I said I was going to in the matter…we’ll see how that pans out.

But it gives me no hope that until we have 100% unbaised moderation that this forum will be anything but a joke.
They need to find someone who has NO interest in the company OR warcraft so they can be free of bias.

While I may disagree that we should accept Tyranny of the Majority, I think this is an interesting middle ground.

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Look at my 5 kicks I got years back lol.
NONE of them were warranted.
I will admit the one with the trolling DPS actually made me laugh because the others fell for it…lol.
And it was too early on for me to even be irritated about kicks yet.
That didnt happen until i started healing and WATCHING the bogus kicks happening to others. Then it started irritating me.

Which is what some of us are trying to say. People just want that dopamine rush in being a jerk to others. Then pass it off like the new guy is in the wrong.


Look around online…find that personality type and see what it says. lol.
its not good.

That’s why it takes a majority vote to pass instead of just one person looking for the dopamine rush.

None of which a kick is, actually. But try reading again, slower this time.

And actually, the kick is the punishment for the people who actually break the social contract, like Lio

Seeing their attitudes in these threads, the way they post and insult everyone who disagrees while arguing for changes that omly empower trolls(theyve even admitted it!)really helps everyone else understand why they are getting kicked so many times.

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they are today. Its the same names who denied it existed and then when games were played they blew a cork and admitted it did and I was there just like I said and they denied for two years. lol

I can list out the names posting in this thread but we both know how fast THAT would get flag bombed and deleted lmao

I disagree with this 200% you will have people sitting down or pulling 10 packs f once to force you to kick them rather than quit

just a query…why do that instead of just bailing? the timeout is the same regardless.
Does getting kicked over bailing have some other advantage I dont know about?

Cause getting kicked used to not have a timeout, so people did that to avoid the timeout

It used to, and it was abused, which is why they changed it, and for some reason you want to change it back


lmao…actually one of them LITERALLY just popped into this thread, ignored every other post here just to take a personal jab at me lmao.
Clearly OBSESSED with my person instead of staying ON topic

Bliz can REALLY fix the ENTIRE issue here going forward by opening up Follower Dungeons to Heroic and Mythic (not M+) difficulty AND giving the SAME rewards as PUGs would get…including XP.

If players have real options in lower content they can avoid these kick happy trolling kiddies entirely and just like Warmode…no one who complains has any real argument because they CHOSE to take the risk.

You can already join heroic/mythic wth full premade of people you like playing with.

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This is why I just laugh every time someone starts a new thread about this with their ideas… they have all been tried before and were abused. Or you can see clearly how new ideas could and WOULD be abused by the WoW player base.

If anyone could give me a real idea that would work, other than a live person reviewing every kick of course, then I would get behind the change.

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I don’t get why people don’t do this, there are hundreds of people raging that a group goes too fast for them, too slow for them, won’t pull optional bosses, etc so just find four people that want the same thing as you.

And for those who have ONE friend in the game or less?
My way was just fine