Balancing the Vote-Kick Penalty: A Call for Change

The problem with that thought is that…its not a deterrent literally at all.

IF you were a trolling sort and you just got kicked for trolling a group, you can just swap alts and do it all over again.
And a REAL troll will have no issue with even having multiple accounts to bypass even an account wide timeout.

The time out is only really affecting innocent players who got kicked for no good reason

I see tanks bail at the gate ALL the time when Im running dungeons again for a while…so its NOT a deterrent like you all think it is.

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No they aren’t. There is no such thing as an unjust kick from auto match making group content. Grouping is at will and blizzard has stated that players can be removed from said groups for any and all reasons.

I do agree with the escalating timer… but it should stay at 30 for starting and escalate from there.


yeah…thats not the issue in most random dungeon runs where 3 players can EASILY do the run anyway.
Maybe in M+ thats a thing, but not in normals or even heroics.

Ive seen with my own eyes so many trash kicks and then some racist/bigoted trash put in the reason box that I dont doubt for a second that these bogus kick accounts are just as theyre claimed.

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“It’s okay if we kick you, we didn’t want to group with you, and it’s very important that you also be punished with a 30 minute lockout. You’re not entitled to our company”

But also

“We are entitled to your company, so it wouldn’t be fair if you could filter us out”


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I actually find it fascinating that you would want to punish four innocent players for kicking a troll from their group just because you want to protect and enable the trolls.


I honestly don’t know… I fully believe it exists not anywhere close to when the community had real standards on player behavior ( not how they type but how well they do).

I still believe there is a level where people are irritated when someone is actively a detriment being carried.

I’m of the opinion they should just revert the change back before Aka-Kara sac-seeking leavers happened. The deserter penalty was applied to fix a problem that was going to resolve itself within a week anyways, when at the time mythic dungeon difficulty was maybe a week out.

I was doing timewalking the other day, and the group opted to do the skip for Dire Maul Warpwood. I accidentally forgot to dismiss my pets and a TON of stuff got pulled as a result. We wiped twice, as the mobs didn’t reset. I immediately admitted to the group that it was my fault and apologized. A rogue commented it was a classic bug (that it didn’t reset). A vote kick came up for the rogue with the reason “dumbass”. I quickly typed “don’t kick” into the chat and clicked no on the vote. Unfortunately, the rogue was unfairly kicked and now had a 30 minute deserter buff for doing NOTHING wrong. He whispered me and we had a chat and I explained what happened. I attempted to ask the group why they kicked the rogue when it was my fault, and was met with silence. This poor rogue was rightfully pissed.

The band-aid is causing more problems than it has fixed. While the majority will see no problem with the current implementation and “lol i never see kicks so they don’t happen” is an absolutely atrocious take. Not everyone that gets kicked deserves it. Some do, most don’t.

Bring back ‘no deserter after first boss’. The issue was pretty much a minor inconvenience at the time, and the change wasn’t necessary.

So you want players to come on here to say they’re now waiting an hour to play a dungeon with a kick happy community? Thank God you are not a developer.


Well, they want an escalating penalty on kicks.

Yeah because the higher it gets the more obvious it is that it’s a them problem, not a community problem

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We already had people fully admit they kick for no reason. So you want players to be kicked for ‘no reason’ eat an 1 hour because? This community is the strangest I have ever seen. What is with you people? LMAO.

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Not anywhere near often enough to be a concern

It certainly wouldn’t happen “for no reason” twice in a short amount of time. If you’re getting kicked multiple times per week even, it’s not for no reason, there’s a very good reason you’re getting kicked.


This plays out often enough that it’s insane that blizzard has done nothing about it. I have watched very clearly new players get lost in a leveling dungeon, and instead of waiting on them, the sociopathic tendencies of the wow community just led to them kicking instead. Because it was more efficient/beneficial to them to get an instant backfill.

Which is the root of the problem, incentives are structured in the most perverse way possible for the vote kick system currently. It is currently more effective to kick some bad player with bad gear, and get an instant replacement, than to accept that you’re going to get bad players in leveling dungeons.

It’s actually harder for the players to be social than anti social, because blizzard has always been garbage at setting incentive structures that encourage healthy community behavior.

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No it doesn’t

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You sure are confident for someone who doesn’t appear to even play the game.


People kicking someone for not helping out happens often enough it’s insane Blizzard hasn’t done something about it? Also, good job throwing insults out there for no reason.

Nothing you posted above had anything to do with gear, it was exclusively about the fact that they weren’t with the group. The gap where you wait on someone to join isn’t even worth the chance they might be better geared, you already get a 15% dps buff anyway.

Always has been.

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i was warned before i joined wow that ppl here are wild and they are lol.
i played xiv and you have the same system but you don’t see so many kicks
bc ppl dont get pissed at the slightest, smallest thing you do or don’t do.
they’re very patient over there, maybe a bit too patient lol but it beats
this kick fiacso that’s happening here. the system itself isn’t so bad, it’s the ppl abusing it
for the wrong reasons which for the blues stance “no reason is a reason”.
idk sound gaslightly but yeeee. you wonder why ppl wanna play solo more lol.


Interesting, your conclusion that I don’t play the game is just as incorrect as your conclusion that this happens often enough. That should tell you something is off with your logic and reasoning skills right there.

Yeah, there was a reason why it was added in the first place. It wasn’t the original intention, but the community loves to find ways to exploit anything, and this includes the queuing system. Tanks and healers back in the days exploited the queuing system in order to avoid the deserter buff, since back then, they had instant or short queues. And they did this by holding the group hostage until they were kicked so they could easily requeue, in otherwords, avoiding the deserter buff.

So, to address this, Blizzard also introduced the deserter buff to stop people from exploiting the queue system. Blame those who did this to ruin it for everyone else.

There is a limit for those who frequently kick, usually in forms of a timer. Lets say if I were to vote-kick you out of a dungeon, and that kick passes, next timer is about a couple of minutes before myself can initiate a vote-kick, and it continues building up, lasting until, I don’t know how long, but I know it doesn’t reset with the daily resets, so I think it last until stop kicking people out.

This is to ensure people wouldn’t be kicking everyone out of every dungeon all the time and to give everyone a fair go while still giving that agency.

You don’t see as many kicks over there, because they’ve made the sensible decision to make it a bannable offense to abuse the vote kick. Most of the bad behaviors that are prevalent over here, are bannable over there.

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