Balance tanks and make dual spec

I know its not true vanilla but at least balance tanks and some gear so Paladins and Druids can tank endgame. Also, add it so we can dual specs. This is the only way to make vanilla work for solo players and help with endgame content. Yes, I played vanilla but every druid and paladin that tanked up until raiding wound up hating their toon in endgame. Also, I need to be able to switch specs easily to be able to level a toon as a healer and or tank.
Otherwise, you will see a million fury warriors, mages and rogues and everyone looking for tanks and healers.
You can also add death knights after all the content is released and still be true to vanilla.
Vanilla was more about the grind and the feeling you had when everything took forever to accomplish. These changes will not affect that.


No. Go play BfA.


I expect more and more threads like this with no paywall between retail and classic. Blizzard made this bed.


Why should they add death knights instead of monks, monks are more fun


I’m all for balancing tanks (and all specs), but dual spec is a no-no IMO. I prefer people to feel their choices are more permanent, as well as highlighting that you do, in fact, play a SPEC and not a CLASS.


You should have ended it right there.



Dear Op,

Barf for Azeroth is the game for you, classic made you pick a spec and play that spec and pay a hefty penalty for changing that spec. Death Knights introduced one of the most offensive abilities into WoW, Deathgrip, the ability to move an opposing player against their will, also in that expac several other classes got equivalent abilities, things like Shaman knockback, all of these were 100% NOT classic, and the DK ability was the worst of them since it always pulled the person to you where as all the others where a knockback that took some skill to use, the friendly pull from priests did the same but only for friendly targets.

Death Knights and WOTLK also brought about the AOE PULL PULL PULL hog wild DPS zergfest dungeons, and self healing for all tank classes, if you add in DKs and dont add in Victory rush etc DKs will be THE default tank for everything. We who want classic want all of that about as much as we want HIV.

This thread is why Classic needs a seperate sub.

I thought I was fine with a shared sub and just wanted a separate sub for petty reasons.

Seeing this and knowing that the tourists are going to constantly bombard the forums with these kind of request for the life of classic has convinced me that a seperate sub is the way to go.


You haven’t been reading the forums then. A Lot of people have stated what they are rolling. There is even multiple topics on this very subject.

But you are still going to say that millions are going to roll only these 3? Where did you get your population numbers, by the way?

Hyperbole right off the bat, is pretty daming to your topic. Not your argument, obviously. Because I don’t see one.

It’s just Do this! because I say this is going to happen if you don’t!. Not counting the demand for non vanilla content, of course.

Better luck next time :slight_smile:

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As if thus wasn’t happening since last year.
In fact wow forums in general have this going on.
That’s what happens when you allow individuals 50 different forum avatars.

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Be warned the zealots won’t listen to event reasonable small adjustments like adding a libram that would give pallys a taunt…not op not game breaking and allows for more…wait for it…

FUN for everyone.


Actually no. CD made its own bed here. You guys are laughably easy to troll and they are just taking the low hanging fruit.

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Never going to happen, bye.


That would decrease my fun.

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I’ve got two words for you.



Your the minority…bc and wrath servers will follow eventually…and the purists can have their sandbox.

Thanks. I appreciate you not attempting to change my game. I’ll return the favor.

Yeah, we’re certainly a minority but the market has always been quite profitable.

We’ve just gotten a bit riled up lately as game reviews became more open to the public, allowing different market segments to comment on our game design, leading to misunderstandings as to how and for whom games are made.

Edit; game reviews isn’t quite the right idea but i think my point is clear

aahhh… druid tanks will be used but for small adds in boss fights or other things for raid. Just not tanking the main boss.

We don’t actually need dual spec…we just need respec cost to have a 0 removed and cap it at 5 gold.


Hmm, I wouldn’t be opposed to dual spec. Balancing tanks though? Nope. You want to tank for raids? You play Warrior.


There weren’t any druid tanks in raids they were all healers. Same as pally. I don’t care about the dual spec that much, but 1 tanking class sucks, whether you agree or not.
When BC came out it was awesome that druids could tank. Same with Cata and pallies. Having more than one tanking class is the best thing for vanilla. Maybe some of you forgot, but I didn’t. Making more classes viable tanks doesn’t take anything away from playing vanilla. I tanked with all 3. Prot Warrior in Vanilla, Druid in BC, and Pally in Cata. Without more tanks Vanilla will make a lot of people not do endgame.

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