Balance sitting in battle.NET

ive had about 11 dollars juist sitting in my battlenet account is there anyway i can like use that to buy somthing or anything lol i just feel like every service for wow classic and thats all i play u cant use money from the store to pay for it but i also spent 10$ in the store and was hoping to use that on something someday xD i was about to concider getting a lvl 70 boost because you wont let me refund my herlooms because the servers are locked and out of my control so maybe if i could use this 10$ twards that or somthing

Anything you can buy in the game store, you can buy with Balance. But the catch is, that you have to buy it entirely (including taxes) with Balanace, because you can’t split the transaction between Balance and another payment vehicle like a credit card.

Also, paying for a subscription isn’t technically in the Blizzard store and can’t be done with Balance.

My dude, you’ve got two other threads open. Stick to one of those.

And yes, you can use your balance on anything in the BNet shop. You won’t be able to split payments, though, so make sure that you’ve got enough Balance to cover it all.


i just got shafted so hard on my herlooms man i dont even want to buy this i spent like 9 hours farming badges and shards to get 2 weapons for my rogue to relize i literally cant tranfer servers so i just have 2 herloom itmes sitting in my mage bags

You can transfer to the new server, then recreate those heirlooms on the new server from your collections tab. Therefore, you did not get shafted on them. You can also mail them to a connected realm character. You will have to learn the heirloom item though.


Seriously, as said in your other two threads, the server locks are temporary.

You literally will be able to when the locks are removed. Just chill out and wait for the queue times to drop, and then transfer.


none of this stuff was available in original classic content… did they add a collection tab for modern classic?

The Collections tab was first added to the game with the initial release of WotLK, so Classic feature progression has caught up to that point.

pretty sure the heirloom tab didn’t exist until WoD.
they needed to be mailed until that point. (initially with restrictions on faction and realm)


Before that it was buying and mailing them all around piece by piece.


Yeah, sorry, I overgeneralized. The collection tab was initially just mounts; heirlooms became collection items in WoD.