They did all of these nerfs and buffs and yet the god comp remains.
Figures. And now on to bigger and better things and deleting Wow from my hard drive.
They did all of these nerfs and buffs and yet the god comp remains.
Figures. And now on to bigger and better things and deleting Wow from my hard drive.
/bye felicia gif?
Why does the existence of a “god comp” upset you though? Just curious, albeit not overly curious.
What did they do now? I don’t really take these things to heart anymore since they’ve shown a tendency to make more rapid, fairly sweeping ~5% changes on a dime, compared to when I first started playing and they’d let the game be completely broken for multiple patches and only then wildly overreact.
The only thing that really matters longer term is what they change mechanically about the class, what options they add to or remove from the core toolkit. And that’s all I’d worry about in terms of balance.
Because you have to play one of them if you dont want autodeclines to keys. Oh well, and everyone loves autodeclines, me more than anyone.
Go to 8:33 and listen carefully.
The exodia comp isn’t going to change or disappear overnight because the damage has already been done and it took 4 weeks for Blizzard to bring the hammer down.
Unless Blizzard makes nerfs to the dungeons and/or adds more buffs to classes: keys are basically capped for the rest of the season.
Aug spec was a bad idea to begin with, especially adding it in the middle of a season.
This is exactly it.
Seriously if you are having a meltdown as you seem to currently its time to eerier give the game away or play a different spec. Disc has been 2nd healer for ages and even touted as a replacement for holy.
Its this attitude that annoyed me with classic wow. People wanted it then treated it like retail. You either like playing disc or you dont. If you like playing it shut the F up and play it and stop whining. If your entire desire is to be good and meta then play the Fotm specs, but dont talk about disc because disc is not your true interest.
Ive played Disc as a main spec since wrath. I didnt change in specs depending what was good. When disc was bad i kept playing it. When Holy priest was op i still played disc. Its what i am. If you arent, and just a fly by night then dont comment
Im an old drunk keyboard Turinng clicker and i still get 20’s each xpac and even CE once. If i can make it work in that endowment, then others better then me should
you will always want a priest currently at least because of their utility. The nerfs were throughput focus and not utility focus so of course the god comp will still exist but i had this concern about shadow a while ago so i rerolled after the rework lol.
I am of the crowd who says, “who cares.” Lol. Honestly, I never have and never will be chasing a title for anything so this doesn’t change my game.
Does it change yours? I was under the impression that disc priest was waaaaaay better in keys than holy. If I can get into 21/22 keys as holy, I don’t see why you wouldn’t? I have never had to wait long either. Are you trying to push higher right now? I mean, there are holy priests that are dedicated who push way higher than me and get groups.
I have always mained a priest. I started as shadow like a decade ago, played around with disc in pvp (but I remember nothing), took about an 8 year or so break, came back as shadow, and then switched to holy main after Nathria. Looooooved Nathria as shadow. I just like the class.
I can see how this might upset people pushing a title, but that isn’t me…is that you? If so, pick something that doesn’t upset you/allows to to complete the goals you want and move on.
I recommend you scroll up and watch the above video from 8:23 forwards. If you dont do M+ content it is probably not a big deal. Or if you mainly play a tank, it is probably less of a problem for you, but probably still one. That said, just dont watch it, dont pay any attention to the concerns. And if you get autodeclined, roll with it, and forget about it.
I don’t need to watch a video on a goofy game I play lol. I might eventually just to get what you are talking about but I am content with what I have in my goofy game.
I haven’t gotten any more auto declines than usual really. In fact, I have attained all of the goals I have strived for this season. Got all 20+ timed and reached 2800 score. I jokingly signed up for a 22 a couple of weeks ago and almost immediately got invited. We blazed through it. I usually don’t wait more than 5-10 minutes to get a specific dungeon I am causally signing up for while doing professions/chasing a kid/or whatever.
All of that as a holy priest who is C tier dungeon healing, which I like to joke about. (Seems holy has been bumped to B tier as of 3 days ago, moving on up baby lol )
I have had people battletag friend me in hopes of running higher keys and I have had to tell them that I am just not interested in that, because I am not.
Maybe you have just had bad luck or have tried to pug into groups that you haven’t worked for?
All you had to do was say that player perception will have an impact regardless of keys and the response of course would be “no duh…”.
Yup, it’s nice that Blizzard started getting aggressive with releasing more content at a faster pace, but their release cycle on things of this nature shows they are still running on ineptitude. Truthfully augment shouldn’t have even gone in the game. They are running thin already on talent in the class designer department, and now they want to add yet another spec to balance around? Shows a real lack of focus and intelligence from them.
Well, I dunno if you can call it ineptitude, but I’m not arguing. Like is it that hard to monitor the data and make adjustments promptly? I’d guess they have not designed the system to be tweaked easily then. Making the whole design tweak friendly would seem to me to be the best way to go, but who am I to say. That said, the data is everywhere so it is not that hard to see what is happening. At any time you can play the game M+ content is obviously a lot easier for some comps than others. The fact that one class or comp is leaps ahead of others in very basic terms like dps and hps ought to be a red flag.
I dunno. There are obviously countless ways to look at things, but when one healer pumps leaps more healing and damage than others then that is just plain silly. I feel there is no need whatsoever to homogonize. The way to approach it is to look at what is being autoinvited and what is being autodeclined. Then (of course in addition to other tweaks) to simply buff the numbers of one and nerf the numbers of the other. And then assess. Rinse and repeat. And do so on an ongoing basis.
Really though, the system needs to be designed so that buffs and nerfs can be done with a few keystrokes.
You’re not playing at a level that it matters. Seems like a silly reason to delete WoW.
I just don’t understand how everyone agrees that the problem is the dungeons have mechanics that can be trivialized by spells older than dirt that priests have had for coming up on 20 years, but the solution is to nerf damage output? What is their logic process here? They are going to enact nerfs like this while only a small percentage of the WoW playerbase is even running keys at those levels anyway. Like, at that point who cares what’s going on? If Blizzard doesn’t want to encourage a composition like that then they need to look inward at their dungeon design instead. This is like punishing everyone because some people were making legal use of the tools available to them.
Okay, I know where you are coming from. But ask yourself this. Is there ever really only ONE way to handle something in a dungeon? We can all think of cases where only one ability in the game can “trivialize” something. But does that mean there are no other solutions to getting the job done? Furthermore most classes, like mage for instance, have similiar abilities. Mages offer Arcane Intellect buff, Time Warp, I dunno what else. But if their utility is so great then why are only Fire mages and not Arcane and Frost mages being invited to these god comp groups?
And take priest. You want Mind Soothe. But you can use inviisibility pots in most instances. Okay, well, there is true sight, right? Those are mobs that can see through invis. But do those packs of mobs absolutely HAVE to be avoided or the key is untimable? Why not just kill them and invis around something else?
Yeah, only a small percentage of players run those high keys. But I know first hand that when there is a meta spec, and especially one FAR ahead of the rest it matters for everyone in the game who does M+. I have healed on all healers and have seen autodeclines of some healers at keys as low as 14. And immediately after said autodeclines I have literally jumped on my meta healer and bam, got an instanteous autoinvite to THE SAME GROUP. And with a lower score, lower ilevel, and heaps less dungeons done in that dungeon key range.
Why is that? The best players doing the highest keys assess that in terms of the total package. AND EVERYONE LOOKS TO WHAT THEY ARE DOING. And they copy the comps or what they see the top groups doing–here what they are “inviting.”
For healers what matters is stuff like 1. Single target heals 2. General HPS 3. Damage output 4. Utility. In some cases one healer is ahead in every way. Then too, in other cases, one healer is only far ahead in one way, but that one way is so incredibly important that it leaves all other healers in the dust. In BFA Holy Paladins did insane damage with Ashen Hollow while Disc priests were doing 60% (or something) less damage. Disc priests did have incredible single target burst healing that pumped high HPS (which they no longer have) via Shadow Mend sure. But the damage Holy Paladins were doing was meaning groups were dropping mobs before they could do much damage in the first place. Meaning less healing was even needed. AND when Holy Paladins had to heal, a lot of it could be done mana free. That’s right. With NO MANA. Meanwhile, Disc Priests were doing crazy HPS, but they had to stop and drink a lot in high keys. And this is when tanks liked to pull half the dungeon, would run away and pull more and then expect the Disc Priest to pump high HPS with NO MANA.
Good point. That said, Holy Paladins were doing much higher healing and damage vs all other healers, and very recently. I dont know about right now since the most recent nerfs, but the highest groups are still running the same “god” comp as far as I know.
That is a good way to put it!
It’s not just a top 0.01% problem, but an everyone problem. If you look at warcraftlogs you’ll see that the top 5 classes at any key level are the exodia specs. Once you start getting up to 24s and higher: 85% of the specs doing keys are just the exodia specs. So you’re talking 1% representation of non-meta specs a piece. There’s more Holy Paladins over 3200 IO than every other healer combined just as a reference.
It becomes a problem for those who are not FOTM spec rerollers and they get declined or it takes way more effort to get into keys. I’ve had plenty of friends who stopped pushing keys or rerolled to FOTM classes.
The season ended up being ruined because of this because people exploited overtuned classes to push high keys to get to the title before Blizzard came in with the nerfs.
And it all has to do with simply how broken these classes were when they released due to not testing things properly. The lack of class updates in 10.1.7 is kind of telling.
My game time runs out in a matter of hours and the imbalances are wonderful except that I’m not buying more. Vote with your wallet.
I can see why the imbalance bothers people like you, who enjoy pushing crazy high keys. I am sure it truly sucks. And I agree, the season pretty much got ruined for the top players who were shut out on keys because they didn’t reroll.
I can see and agree with you and others like you who would make a post addressing this.
I just don’t see how the buffs/nerfs/meta stuff/etc bother people timing 20s for portals or running keys 22 and lower though. My game hasn’t been influenced at all by it other than I personally feel like healing is too stressful after 22s and have decided that that is my ceiling.