Balance Ha Ha Ha Ha

Lower keys are so brain dead easy though you can do them blindfolded. If you do 17-20 keys in iLvl 440+ you ++ everything easy.

Damage doesn’t even really start to matter in keys until around +24s.

You underestimate how bad I am compared to you and my priest is only 428 ilvl so things are still interesting around 15 keys. Also my pug players make healing fun.

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Actually, a lot of higher keys are actually easier than lower keys. I say this because I heal on five priests, and quite often find the higher keys easier. In lower keys you get a lot of puggers who have no idea what they are doing or what is going on. It does vary though, so you can get whatever in any key at any level.

I personally find that if I queue up on my main for a lower key just for vault, like say, for example, a 16 vs a 20 or 21, it depends on various things, but you always get someone dying a lot, someone else not using their abilities to make the key easy (like in a group just now a shammy had talented into poison totem but never once used it on afflicted–even after asked to). That said, in higher keys, you can get people rage quitting over one or two deaths, and even halfway into the key or later when it looks like you have a solid chance to time. In lower keys, you can get that one guy who dies, one shot 10 times or more and you still time.


Yea, I still find some weeks where certain 21/22s are hard and I avoid certain dungeons still. We all have our threshold and I just feel like certain places the game shifts and becomes more stressful than fun…for me. :slightly_smiling_face:

I am not pushing score anymore so I am mainly just maintaining a 20 key and running other people through for portals and goofing off. Yesterday I joined a 20 only because the person who listed it said they were going for completion and I took that as a small challenge to help them time it. (We did)

I have decided that I will play the rest of the season with my beacon trinket because pushing that brings me joy lol. Still can’t approach the damage you do, but it is still fun to go BOOM. And yes, most of the time I do sound affects when I push it.

I do feel a difference in 20-22 keys when it almost feels like I am being carried because people are playing so lovely, as opposed to the keys where we limp to the end. The easier keys tempt me to push my score, the harder ones remind me why I chose not to and I find peace where I am lol. :heart:


I’m sad Holy damage is relatively low. But I dont know that from experience first hand as I have not healed holy at all this xpac. That said, I am tempted to try it out. Holy healing has always been very strong and the healing pretty easy at worst and I have healed on holy priests right from vanilla most if not all xpacs.

As for disc, I dunno. I have healed on it a ton since BFA, but I got attacked by a prot paladin a couple weeks ago after a 20 key that we timed easily with only one death, but because I casted a fair number of flash heals, went oom two or three times and my damage parse was relatively low. The truth is I find it kind of hard to not do what works, even if it is suboptimal. And while I could have done it all differently, one thing. Healing pugs has taught me that you are a healer, so keep everyone alive if nothing else. That said, Flash Heal is kind of a joke, not anywhere close to what Shadow Mend was, I know. In terms of HPS that is, not mana use. And sure I used it a lot in that run, but it does apply atonement and there is not much else you can do if your penance and PW: Shield are on cooldown and spot healing is needed by the members standing in fire, etc.

You seem to be a Holy Priest enthusiast more than anyone else who posts on this forum. Is it really as bad as the rankings and reviewers say? It is ranked incredibly low. Frankly speaking that surprises me as I think for pure healing Holy Priest is almost unrivalled.