Balance + Enhancement LF Guild

We’ve found a guild to run with for 11.1 - good luck in season 2!


My brother and I are looking for a guild to raid with in 11.1. We aim to achieve AotC (& KSM) relatively quickly each season. We’re open to joining a Mythic prog guild as benchwarmers / fill-ins or to help with gearing, but have no plans to prog raid beyond AotC.

We’re looking for 1-2 nights of raiding, with our availability being Wed, Thurs, Sun and Mon 7 - 10:30pm ST.

Feel free to reach out via one of the below if interested: Fluence#11209
Discord: fluence

Hey Habitat,

We are a one night AOTC focused guild. We do run M+ on most nights in the guild and majority of our guild are interested in getting KSM for next season as well.

Reach out to me on discord:blazy2396 or ign blazblued

sounds awesome, here is our recruit post and have sent you a discord request

  • Coops

Hi There,

Added on bnet. Link to guild post.

Happy to chat. I have sent a Battlenet Friend request but please drop us a message and see if the people match the promise.

SYNERGY is the interaction or cooperation of two or more Azeroth heroes to produce a combined effect greater than the sum.

What is Synergised:
Synergised is a Heroic raiding and Mythic+ guild on Nagrand Server (GMT+10) built from experienced progression raiders who want to do something a little different in season 2.

Synergised people:
We recruit experienced mature relaxed players to participate in Heroic raiding and Mythic+. Your guild peers understand that real life has a way of getting in the way of Warcraft at times and we work around that.

The guild maintains a roster of up to 15 active players to retain that “part of a team” feel.
The Synergised focus:

At the season start the guild does a quick push to get AOTC and then continues clearing the raid one night a week for people to gear their mains and primary alt.
The rest of planned activities focus is on Mythic+ and we have activities scheduled 4 nights a week that people can choose to participate in. In Season 2 of TWW our aim is to get everyone to an AOTC and a 3000 IO score (new achievement and mount) and support those who want to push further.

Contact us
Ingame: Hex-Nagrand
Ingame: Pheoniix-Nagrand
BattleNet: Fire#15506

Thanks, all.

We’ve found a guild to run with for 11.1 - good luck in season 2!