Balance Druid
LF raiding guild/team for Cata Classic.
I’ve been around for awhile across different servers on classic/retail. Took a break from Wrath to play retail when my guild swapped to dragonflight and did mythic progression there.
I was/am an officer in The Holy Crusade an OG classic raiding guild on Pagle. Not sure I can link our guild website here, but you can google us for screenshots/achieves of what we accomplished.
My characters were/are: Mikoxaflopin - Pagle (Changed to Mikoxarekt at the end of TBC then transferred to Benediction during sunwell where I got the OG name back)
Mikoxaflopin - Benediction
A lot of people ask me about my character name. I’ve had it since 2008ish where, in high school, I was interviewed by a local newspaper for donating to the Red Cross and I gave them the name Mike Oxaflopin under the disguise of being a swedish exchange student and the reporter believed me and published it. I then changed my IG name to Mikoxaflopin (character limit) and kept it ever since.
I’m a chill dude who loves WoW. I PvE and PvP (I love arena despite only being a duelist XP on retail) and have been playing Boomy since before I was supposed to. I fell in love with the spec in vanilla and kept playing it. I even leveled as Boomy in 2019 classic and I loved sitting around sipping my beverage and enjoying the scenery as many a player zoomed past me on their turbo leveling adventure. I just love the spec.
Open to all raid days/times.
I’m not allowed to put links in my post but you can ask me and I’ll provide logs for when I was raiding in classic TBC/Wrath if you care about those things.
my btag is : agore#11511