Balance Druid Changes

I mean rotations have never really been hard

If you’re struggling on your rotation it’s a skill issue, you shouldn’t be looking at your action bars while you play.

Get some weak auras.

please buff hpriest

Blizz going for the lowest hanging fruit possible while refusing to bugfix raids

So begins the journey into pleasing the squeaky wheels with class buffs while the foundation of the game remains rotted with GDKPs and bugs.

It’s the part where you maintain 2 different DoTs on multiple targets since it’s a mutli DoT class. Manage your energy and don’t spend too many globals outside of Eclipses while DoTing (e.g. is it better when you’re at 20 Lunar and no Eclipse to refresh your DoTs on both targets, or to push into Lunar before refreshing? Because the DoTs don’t snapshot and dynamically update). Have to push to Lunar as soon as Starfall is coming back up timing wise or else you’re losing DPS. Starsurge has a proc that increases based on number of targets you have Dotted, but you want to press it to mostly when you’re coming out of Eclipses, but is it bad to press it to get it off cooldown so it can proc again? Even if that pushes you towards an Eclipse faster and your Starsurge is coming back at an unaligned time.

It’s really the fact there’s a cadence to the spec that can be thrown off by how an encounter works, procs, split second decisions, how your cooldown is ticking, and what Eclipse state you end up in and at what time because of your RNG, how many targets you had to spend GCDs refreshing 2 DoTs on, etc.

Boomie is a mix of sustained DoT play, weaving between two phases that change your rotation, cooldown tracking that influences your decision to go into a certain state, and proc gameplay.

I’m not saying it’s hard to press buttons, I’m saying Boomie is hard because their rotation is influenced by RNG while also having timing involved in their rotation. So if you play normally you will do meh sticking to a solid rotation. But the players who are pushing the class are juggling DoTs, procs, RNG extra solar/lunar energy from Starsurge/Eurphoria that can push them to a state faster.

It’s an RNG Prio Timing system. It’s literally all three types of rotations in one.
If you just stick to Prio, your DPS is midling/bottom. But the top Boomies that do all three see really good results on multi-target. None of those things are hard in a vacuum, but if you can’t do them all at once it’s underwhelming. Which also causes a problem with buffing Boomie. Because you can make them the best class in the game for the people who can do that, and they’d still be seen as mid tier due to the majority of the players not being able to PERFECTLY execute the subtly dynamic rotation.

You wanna talk about a class that’s influenced by RNG??

Have you heard of fire mage?

One button class :skull:

The only difficult part about playing mage is getting stats from gear, but considering you support GDKPs buying gear probably isnt much of a barrier.

My guild uses loot council.

RMT Loot council :skull:

Can you overhaul demo warlocks next, it’s so janky to be a set twisting, pet twisting, melee caster reliant on pet AI.

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An overhaul is coming, it’s called Mists of Pandaria Classic.

Ran 2 moonkins on a world tour one at 358 iLvl and one at 349 and dot buff helped a little but not much. The real issue is Starfall is our 30 point talent that can’t even beat Hunter’s multishot, mages combust, or even a Warlock pressing hellfire.

Where was this trend seen? None of the logs on warcraft logs reflect any boomkin parsing blue and above utilizing this? Even if you could snap shot mastery the ONLY fight that this could possibly be logical of doing it on would be halfus. Playing boomy normally stacking haste and getting resets on nature’s grace for 3-4 haste break points on dots yielded far more damage than mastery stacking and sitting in solar.

The only time boomy sits solar is clearing trash before bosses. Contrary to what the intent was, this change actually encourages boomkins to not partake in trash fights now so they can stay out of eclipse state before a boss pull so it isn’t reset, rather than staying in solar on trash for higher aoe damage on trash fights to better assist the raid.

I’m glad we finally got an explanation of the shadow nerf AND an attempt to make up for it, but I really don’t see buffing our 4th highest damage ability by the estimated 15% is going to make up for not being able to pre-pot fights in eclipse state, having our trinket procs not be lined up with eclipse states, having to wait to use engineering gloves until you get into eclipse state instead of at the start causing less glove usage, having cooldowns not being able to be used off the rip of the fight because of having to wait to get into an eclipse state causing less cooldown usage, etc.

All of these events that can be controlled for our most predictable part of the fight where we can line everything up in a heavily RNG playstyle spec if we start in eclipse state. Now we are completely at the will of RNG with NO control at any part of the fight.

I just don’t see this as being a necessary change since playing boomy as intended and not sitting in solar yielded more damage on boss fights anyway according to warcraftlog parses.

This change basically nerfed people playing boomy as intended, so you could remove a silly and underperforming way of playing boomkin that did less damage than someone actually playing boomkin as intended.

But besides the fact of this nerfing boomys already playing as intended and removing a playstyle of boomkin that according to warcraftlogs just really isnt even done, You now buffed boomkin in pvp with a damage increase to insect swarm when they already topple over every other dps by miles in damage in RBGs. The meta has now become 3-4 boomkins on a team because the damage is so high that healers just cant keep up and their team just rots out and dies in RBGs.

A better fix if the goal was to remove snapshotting, would be to reset boomkin energy meters to 92, not 0, if they were already in an eclipse state at the start of a fight. That way they could still get back into eclipse state quickly and hardly notice a difference in pre-pot, cooldowns, trinket procs, engineering glove uptime, etc and not buffing insect swarm, indirectly buffing one of the strongest RBG classes in the process.

Now I’m not calling the Devs liars when they say they noticed a trend in this type of playstyle happening. Not everyone logs to warcraft logs so it’s very possible people were exploiting this and not recording the logs for it to be seen. But with how gamers are I find it hard to believe that we wouldn’t see at least a few players logging this exploit or playstyle to try to see themselves on the top of the parse rankings if it really was as strong as it is made out to be.

Just as a hypothetical, are we going to put a 10 second cooldown on firemage’s pyroblast ability and have it reset on hot streak procs? In theory a firemage could sit there all fight hard casting pyroblast instead of fireball for bigger ignites before combustion. It doesn’t preform as well as playing firemage correctly and it isn’t the intended way for firemage’s kit to be played, correct?

TLDR: You nerfed boomkins to remove a playstyle that according to warcraftlogs wasn’t being utilized or just strictly does substantially less damage than playing boomkin the way it was intended (You can confirm this by seeing both eclipse states being active in every boomkin log as well as no equipment changes to show mastery snap shotting not being utilized). You tried to make up for it by buffing our 4th highest damage source, in the process buffing boomkins in PvP when they were already miles above everyone in damage output shifting the RBG meta to being 3-4 boomkins per team. Completely unnecessary change. Please revert the change, or use a different solution to the problem, it isn’t healthy for the game. The original Dev team probably foresaw this not being a needed or not being a healthy change for the game as a whole and left it as is.

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it’s just an absolute crap show on Dev with druids in general. all you really did was buff moonkins in arenas. Feral, Moonkin and Resto at the bottom of the list in PVE and it’s not even close. In old Cata it wasn’t that bad with Druids but the Devs be like hold my organic gluten free beer.

This is a totally dumb and unnecessary change to boomkins. I don’t understand how you came to the conclusion that boomkins would avoid helping on trash… They literally want to stay in solar eclipse during trash fights anyway. This change should be totally reverted. The change in PvE content is only negative and the change in PvP scenarios was only negative. This is typical Blizzard sticking their fingers in where it’s not needed instead of focusing on real problems in the game. Unholy DKs in WotLK didn’t use scrouge strike for 90% of the expansion and that’s okay. But Boomy wanting to use Solar Eclipse for AoE and multi-target fights CANT HAVE THAT! Revert this asap please.

you didn’t get the memo they want all druids to switch to DK’s, Mages or Hunters.

Buff resto druids as well while you’re at it. They need attention in all forms of matter, whether its healing throughput or mana sustaining issues (which comes from the previous part lack of healing therefore needs to spend more mana to heal), or damage being received, etc…All druid specs have more problems than any other class in the game. I’m not in favor of overly buffing druids, but i am in favor of at least making them somewhat comparable to other spec roles of whichever spec that may be.Overall though, resto druids needs flat out substantial healing buffs to each heal as resto. In wrath of the lich king, resto felt phenominal in all ways and was an absolute thrill of a spec, but in cata it feels awful in every comparable way than it did during wrath.Theres certainly tuning that would help a lot, I’d imagine other peoples sentiments are similar to my own if I had to guess.

dude all specs of druids are in bad shape! if they wanted to fix resto they just put it back to what it was back in Cata where Wild Growth was a cast and never had a CD and innervate used to give you back mana that would fix them

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It wasn’t a nerf though…as you said yourself:

“Buff the thing I want to play! Nerf the thing I don’t like! Ignore the bigger problems! Expand the cash shop and ability to skip to end game! Why is Classic so bad?” -The Current State of the Playerbase

yeah because paying money to play something you don’t like is wrong. you have over 800 post of nonsense go do something with your life