Balance Druid Changes

Rarely comment on forums but coming from druid discord and wanted to just applaud this change. Thank you devs for finding a fix that is genuinely a fix. Current sims/data on this shows it as very positive - in essence, we got back what we lost last week, Sunkin has died, and all boomies are normalized to start at 0. This is just a good change, and we’re very happy about it. <3


just use the fake queue weakaura to get around the bad part of eclipse lag (as you enter eclipse), and then benefit from the good part of eclipse lag (extra SS inside of eclipse if you queue SS as you exit eclipse)

i love you linxy!!!

While we are on the topic of things that make no sense for boomkins, can we change the boomkin pvp 4piece to something even remotely useful?

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It’s next week.

Okay. This might give me some small-tiny space for hope that classes that need help will get them.

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Boomy is S++ tier in RBGs any way you can walk this back? Real fun Queing into 4 Boomkin teams now tonight and all high Rated teams now are doing 3-4. People probably gonna just do 5 Boomy and not use locks/spriest now. Real shame.

I made a post about the interaction with vendetta being able to be used before pull and remaining after respeccing to combat. Any chance that could be corrected?

Sounds like some people didn’t actually want to play Cataclysm.

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How about shadow priest not getting a shadow orb on pull and gimping their dots? Why not just go full in on this slippery slope?

what drugs are you on? they got a major nerf last week you are way off base

On them stats and facts drugs. You should have some.

People still parsed though by being at 90% Eclipse before pull since it didn’t reset Eclipse energy on pull, just Eclipse.

New top parses are from current week, so post nerf. I see top Boomies at 9/22 logged classes/specs right now at best performance. Can even remove Fury/Frost mage and they’re still 9/20 top halfers which is far from ‘bottom of the barrel’.

I think the average Boomie is lower half because the class/Eclipse system is difficult to grasp.
This change will help the average boomie a tiny bit but will also bring up boomie past where the nerf put them. So net buff.

Do you think the best performer of each class stacked against each other doesn’t show the potential/upper limit of a class?

Can look at 50th percentile and they’re 12/22 overall. So just barely under half. Do you see that as bottom of the barrel?


BUFF WARLOCK AOE!!!pls, it is so weak now. I already keep all of my skill in CD,but it is still looks like joke, because some skill CD time is 3mins.

Eclipse lag, please fix it unless you want players lagging their own game on purpose to do the rotation and get full benefit from it.

You really think it’s because Boomie is too hard of a class?

Spam wrath/star surge until Starfire lights up?

Maintain 2 dots

said the mage who presses 3 bottons

Seems to me that effectively multi dotting sounds simple but its something people really struggle with and this change makes multi dotting even more effective, it’s pushing a gap between the top boomkins and the middle-bottom because the 25 man heroic version of t11 is really high on either multi target or aoe

We also have a situation where a lot of the population are still progging, while the very top moonkins likely aren’t

good change, pushes the class in the right direction

I used to think it was high rated pvpers that did degenerate things but I think pasrselord’s take the cake. Parselords also get the entire game changed to suit their parsing needs. Thanks for pvp boomkin buff though I guess!

Oh yay druid balances. RAIDS ARE BROKEN STILL WHY NO FIX???