Balance Ashran

This BG is absurdly skewed to favor Horde and will continue to be an auto-win for Horde until adjustments are made.

Spawn Starflowers in Molten Quarry
Every match will continue to start with Horde having 15% more stats than the Alliance until this happens.

Balance the Tower Mages
The Horde tower mage Jeron is singlehandedly winning matches for the Horde by sending half the Alliance to their deaths with his knockback.

The Alliance tower mage Rylai on the other hand flops over to a few Horde with no disruption whatsoever.

This will continue to force the Alliance to play the match at a 50 resource disadvantage until this is dealt with. Either remove Jeron’s knockback or replace the useless Rylai with an Arcane Mage who can mass teleport enemies to dangerous heights over random areas of the map.


I actually wish they’d double the reinforcements for the kill requirement to win. I’d love to actually kill the enemy leader although I do agree with the songflower buff. As for Jeron, you can avoid the knockback by LoS’ing around the pillar. I used to do so on my alliance toons when I got Ashran.


There are more hordes in BG. Given them benefits will keep this community thriving.

I will start to analyze winning odds of this map using API. For us, winning rate is pretty low. However the map is very enjoyable to play. It may because the sample side very small.

Ive won the last 3 ina row so tbh idk. Their maybe unbalanced issues, but 95% of it is the team you have.

This is true, but that leaves you susceptible to knockbacks from enemy players. This is also assuming there’s not an untimely AoE CC dropped that prevents players from getting behind the pillar and that your team are competent enough to do so.

And while I agree that your team understanding mechanics should be a major factor in the outcome, not when the opposing team has no such mechanics to concern themselves with.

Jeron can be successfully defended by a well-timed solo Horde player because his knockback will remove a great deal of his assailants while Rylai needs a group of players baby-sitting her because she has no such threatening mechanic.

Great sample size.

There are without question issues of imbalance that strongly favor Horde. And when the Alliance have a far greater chance of victory by not attempting Jeron, I find the problem to be the imbalance, not the team.

I agree the frost mage is pretty, bad. It was surprising when I killed her on horde. I thought she had some knock back or something scary, but she only has moderately hard hitting frostbolts. Jeron has a more open area for knockbacks, while her room is full of pillars. You’re right there should be a change.

I still personally want to see the reinforcements increased so that one day people can complete the “kill the enemy leader” quest.


I killed Tremblade today. Almost did it twice. Its rare, but not impossible.

But Ashran needs changes, to be sure. There should be a better and/or more varying path to victory, optional strats, etc.

Why can’t Ashran just be what it used to be? Why did it have to get butchered and completely ruined?

I want to summon the big guys again and kill the leaders of both sides again… I miss the racing event. Whyyyyy does blizzard hate epic bgs so much :sob:

Product manager, please reponse.

The flowers are available to everyone. I play as horde and I can tell you that about 5 people are going for the flowers the rest of the team are racing middle to kill you. So no you are not losing to the flowers. Learn to protect your mage better. The amount of times I have ran around and killed your mage while alliance ran right past me is amazing. You can line of sight the mage abilities, git gud.
Ashran is not horde favored, you are just looking for excuses as to why your are losing. Take the L.

  1. flower is close to horde base
  2. your mage has knock off
    Horde can backdoor our mage. Are they not benefits?

I’m not sure who you are telling to git gud, you seem to be horrible at this game.

I don’t know who you are playing with, but it’s very normal that the entire team gets the flowers.

I don’t play Epics because they are incredibly imbalanced, but your excuses are just bad.

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You can backdoor the horde mage in fact, this is the current opening strategy for Alliance. So much so that, Horde now expect it and will rush to save him. Alliance do not rush to save her when she is being killed. That is a player issue.
You can LOS the mage ability. Again a player issue.
It might be close to the Horde base but it is available to all players from both factions and like I said the majority of horde are skipping the buff to race mid to kill you. You are dyeing to unbuffed horde. Like it or not.

@Daisy And you are bad at trolling.

No troll. Everything I said is factual. :slight_smile:

Thanks for sharing your strategy. However it does NOT need player skills to backdoor our mage. :slight_smile:

@preisthelp I put some strategies on another post about ashran.

Thank you. Appreciate it.

@daisy Here mark this one to since you are so keen on abusing the flagging system. Haha