Bait and Switch is an illigal business practice

Unless this post is about something I’m not understanding, it sounds completely incorrect based on what has already been discussed.

from: We are winning too much honor points per BG - WoW Classic / The Burning Crusade Classic Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (

This sounds like a legitimate bug fix to me.

Edit: I do see some are questioning if the numbers are correct. Although I still didn’t see any posts showing screenshot showing they aren’t.

That person is trolling. Did you look at the videos? They are level 70’s characters on a Spanish private server.

WTB Level 60 water shield please

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it’s not, this so called ‘bug fix’ is bugged in itself since the honor is much lower then it should

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This isn’t a bait and switch.

Please point out which chapter in the Professional Ethics Guide to Video Game Design you’re referring to. Also don’t forget to let us know which edition as well, lot of changes the last few years have swapped up whole sections.

It is if you sign the appropriate waivers while having the appropriate medical power of attorney.

They’re allowed to do that and you explicitly agreed to that as well.

actualy the honor we’re getting now is close to what i remember getting in prepatch, that said. the honor we were getting yesterday felt much more in line with modern games and the rate we should aquire catchup gear. :confused: what can you do. hopefully blizz decides to come halfway.

I believe the word you should have used in your title is unethical. Even then, you’d still be wrong, but it’s at least in the right direction.

The real problem is they nerf honor by 10x. When it should’ve been closer to 6x. Like where the hell did they get the 10x from lv70 numbers? someone tell blizzard we’re still in pre-patch mode.

So I looked into this because I wanted to know exactly what was filed since trying to enforce an aspect of a licensing agreement with an at-will termination clause seems dead on arrival and lo and behold, it was!

SOE was going to shut down the Star Wars MMO in 2011, people threw a fit and threatened a class action lawsuit but that’s all they did. A bunch of angry, legally illiterate nerds, threatening a company for not selling a particular product is just asinine on its face, but the fact that the licensing agreement guarantees you zero rights just slam dunks the coffin lid on any such cause of action.

I can’t find any evidence they filed, but I can find loads of evidence showing tech and video game publications laughing their collective butts off at the petty attempt of a threat.

Here is the VentureBeat article that is now a dead link everyone is referring to:


PS - There was a Nov 2011 lawsuit in which some guy tried to nail Sony under the ADA but that failed spectacularly since video games aren’t a store or something you have to be able to access at all times.

You are a TOTAL LIAR.

Several people have posted interviews where pvp rankers at the time were upset the gear was so easy to get, and how the actual difficult part of getting gear was the badges required, NOT THE HONOR.

Another blizz boi account, So when is the pvp boosts coming to the store?

So SOE voluntarily gave millions of dollars back to their customers! Put themselves out of business!

Yep! totally what happened because of an article i read in a newspaper with SOE’s official corporate response!


The lawsuit was presented, SOE knew they would lose so they pre-emtively refunded everyone’s money.

You know bro… like when a car company does a recall?


Companies would never lie, neither do governments… why wouldn’t I trust the news media?

Put your mask back on, get in line for your gene therapy, and wait until the gubment tells you they are sending more money. IT"S FOR YOUR SAFETY BRO!

They pro-rated subscriptions when they announced SWTOR was shutting down you spoon. That had nothing to do with the endless petitions and faux-threat of a lawsuit.


No lawsuit was ever filed.

…or you can not be a complete idiot and understand how basic timelines work.

No one filed any lawsuits.

Sony refunded subscription values that went beyond the shut-down announcement date.

The end. This isn’t hard to understand.

Whatever makes you feel better bro… I actually was there and had played the game for years, Kettemoor server.

I was there, I know what went down. You don’t… you’re just an internet clown with google.

“The official story suits me just fine!”

Put your mask back on.

Then post up the class-action lawsuit filing. That’s all a matter of public record.


just because someone disagrees with you doesn’t mean they are sucking blizzards dill… This reply made your entire post worthless to me. trash

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