Bait and Switch is an illigal business practice

Last I remember they were sued for limiting their purchases to one store

How much honor were we getting for an AV win in classic?

Do you really think it dropped by 95% going into TBC?

no, you are lieing. people have screen shots from their games in 2007 and it was wrong.

i would have liked to gotten the easy gear also. I was hoping they would have left it but oh well.

also, the lvl 58 was so you could enter the dark portal. the fact they gave you access to it before the portal is open is a bonus. u can level. they didn’t bait and switch you with a promise of easy bg gear. They should just put a hold on all boosts and tell the players they can’t use the boosted toons until launch day. Because they are sick of listening to the whining.

Class action lawsuit for bait and switch, wookie expansion that coincided with revenge of the sith release.

2 weeks after releasing rage of the wookies, they completely transformed the game into the “new game experience” - Sony was required to give back all the money they stole from people, including me.

Well that sounds a lot different than “changed the amount of honour gained in battlegrounds”

Ignore Skrewbolts he is probably a Blizzard Toadie

it really isn’t.

The reasonable expectation is the honor rates would be the same as 2007.

They offer paid boosts that many people would not have purchased had they known they would not be able to gear their character through BGs before TBC release.

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Well good luck with your court case…

The only bait and switch that occurred was Blizz advertising 14 slot bags (including on the product page) and then giving everyone 12 slot bags instead.

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They what!! How dare they not give sloth bags.

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That is blatant breach of contract, not bait and switch

Yeah this is a pretty embarrassing thread.


Why are people losing their minds over a legitimate bug fix? So you don’t want the developers to fix an obvious exploit when it gets reported? It’s hard to think of anything more retarded than that …

Embarrassing is having to witness man children that try to justify not sticking up for themselves. I bet you wear your mask 24/7

I play Classic over Retail BECAUSE I don’t want things so easily handed out.

its not a bug fix, MANY of us played the pre patch in TBC and can verify the change wasn’t warranted.


Okay, fair enough. I wasn’t there for pre-patch in original TBC so I can’t speak to that; just going off Blizzard’s action on this one.

unsub and resub later if they change it

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I bet they drive to work alone with a mask on.

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You could gear up a toon in about a week of casual play. 3-4 hours a day, and the marks were always the limiting factor.

I vividly remember getting close to honor cap and not having enough marks for the gear I wanted.

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