Baine quest updates

True. Neutral races need a strong factional divide that justifies warring against their own kin.

Alliance/Horde Pandaren/Dracthyr are family and friends. They don’t hate each other. They feel like ambassadors to their respective factions, not willing soldiers.

Blizzard needs to justify why centaur x wants to kill centaur y.


Currently Alliance doesnt really have any solid interactions, so i doubt theyd be neutral. As someone said above, it has major Nightborne/Sindorei vibes- we saw the two races befriending eachother in patches leading them being added.

Personally i dont love the idea of neutral races, but at the very least each side has a distinct faction of said race. Itd be better.if those factions were entirely separate, like if Naga were added- have them recruit entirely sepsrate clans/tribes not affiliated with eachother. Or for Vrykul, Horde recruits one from Northrend and Alliance from Stormheim. Same race, but without the issues the pandaren or dracthyr have.

But yeah. Id argue they are at the very least setting up Centaur to join the Horde in an NPC level, if not fully playable. Whether itll happen or not? Who knows.

If it does though id expect another race from DF to go Alliance. Perhaps Furbolg since the dwarves are translating their language and whatnot.


I can see that 100% there are several races that are horde allies, but not full members. Something I DO see is the establishment of this Tauren village feels like a parallel setup for the new world tree in the same zone off the coast, so that it cannot be called a horde or alliance zone overall. In 10.2 they could advance it into a fully developed settlement.


Definetly agree about Centaur joining the Horde would be cool. Just got to figure out how mounts work. My brother had an idea about them shapeshifting into the mount. Just no rider. This could work with them having a racial that lets them be a mount for other players. You rode on a Centaur in a Desolace quest before. Either that or a 2 legged form. While they would not need racial mounts, there is still flying, and vehicle quests. An obvious counterpart on Alliance would be Keepers and Dryads.

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Centaur could just T-pose on top of mounts


Could just give them a special mount button where they run at 100% speed and it turns off it they’re attacked or stunned.


I think it is flying mounts where they have issues. How would they handle dragon riding mechanics? They have said it is unthinkable they won’t carry it into 11.0 with how positive the reception has been.

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That’s a good question actually. Not really sure how that would work. If it even can work. I’m sure there’s a mechanical work around for that, but what that would look like, is beyond me

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Puke. Would rather have gnolls.

Honestly, I am kinda doubtful and the line feels more like a “yeah, we want to teases them joining, but we are probably not going to do it” thing.

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I still kind of wonder why this questline was a thing beyond fan service. This whole aspect of the Centaur as enemies feels really hollow given these ones apparently just have straight up no relation in any form to the ones born 1,000ish years ago that harmed the Tauren.

I have to admit way Bovan was being honored and remembered by Baine, Rexxar, Rokhan, and Chen kind of felt personal. Like someone in the dev team lost someone and this was their own way to grieve or something.


Though if the Centaur do join, I can’t help but wonder if it would just be one clan or a break off with Tomul leading the Horde Centaur or if the Maruuk as a whole would join.

I think it’s maybe a little misplaced to kill characters who you could expand on from older lore, but I could at least understand that angle if it is the case.

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I think it’s a good step in acknowledging how these Centaur relate to the wider world. It’s important to not isolate them in the lore since their origins are unexplained, the more involvement they have with what already exists the closer we are to getting answers.


I think a lot of it is just an attempt to rehabilitate Baine’s characterization after the last ~13 years. But I don’t think it matters that these centaur aren’t the same ones from Kalimdor; they’re still centaur, and trauma can’t be rationalized away so easily. It’s made worse by the fact that the first ones the Windtotem tribe encountered were Nokhud, who pretended to be friendly just to ambush and slaughter them anyway. That would immediately betray any tentative benefit of the doubt they were offered.


Baine remains being a boring pushover with no interesting characters traits. That is clear. He is a peacemonger even against the worst enemies of his people. We don’t need a bad copy of Anduin on the Horde. Blizzard would do us a favor if he just gets killed. The Jailer came close.

100%. He says as much as he rampages and displays why his clan are called Bloodhoof: They are all the same to him. All of them are duplicitous and need to be killed off; he was legitimately surprised when Tomul came to the rescue as he thought she had forsaken him when the going got tough as well.


I’m assuming they’re doing this with the blessing of the dragons because why wouldn’t they, but why is it okay for the Horde to start colonizing the Dragon Isles? Isn’t that kind of like, the Dragon’s home already? Shouldn’t both factions kind of stay off making permanent homes there? I get that they want there to be a meaningful Baine questline because whatever they had planned for SL got cut out. I thought the questline was pretty neat. But I think building an entirely new Tauren settlement on Dragon Isles simply because it’s current content and Blizzard wants to avoid using anything but the current landmass is weird.

Well… sort of? The Plains are Centaur territory, by ancient agreement with the Emerald Flight. Also, the Windtotem tribe of Tauren were guided there by their shared goddess—It isn’t like the Maruuk Centaur were going to try and kick them out. They have more in common than not once they got past long running racial hatreds.

As for the almost certain world tree off the coast, well, the Kaldorei have had a 10,000 year long friendship with the Greens, to the point they were the first mortals ever permitted to ride on the backs of dragons ala the Dragon Riders of Loreth’Aran. In both cases treating it as a specific race rather than large faction matter makes a lot more sense.


Is that certain? Because the seed was planted in the emerald dream for safe keeping and they said that when the time is right it’d be time to make a new tree, not where that tree would be located. We might not even see that tree again until another expansion. Did I miss something? Has there been any indication that there was going to be a new world tree on the Dragon Isles? Because I know people have speculated that, but I dunno that I’ve seen any evidence of it.

But they would be Horde Tauren. Making it a Horde settlement.

Again, I’m not doubting the Tauren are moving in with the Dragon’s blessing, and Ohn’ara and the Centaur all want them there. But it will mean that Horde will have territory on the Dragon Isles.