Baine Quest Chain - Old Hatreds

I wonder whose sock puppet Kynladoria is

Don’t think it’s Kyalin cuz she quit cold turkey, whatsherface isn’t one to hide behind alts, the discourse is too Both Sides-y to be Ethriel


  • Accusations that Horde players enjoy being Fash Fantasy
  • Both sides-ing the cultural motifs of the factions to undermine any Alliance centering
  • galvanizing Alliance virtue over Horde savagery at the same time

This reminds me of someone

Gonna go ahead and block


I honestly think you’re really reaching here with comparing Baine willing giving Anduin a little chunk of his horn (which if done right should be harmless and painless) to a scalping. It’s almost certainly just 100% normal everyday cringe. I dunno about other people, but it bugs me personally because giving another person a piece of your body (regardless of culture) is just squick in the first place, and the closest human equivalent (a lock of hair) is usually seen as a romantic gesture.


In any order is good. But headpats are a must on the list! :blush:

Prime real estate is hard to come by nowadays! :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Baine has hair
  • Hair has special meaning to most Native cultures on the continent especially the ones Baine is based off of
  • Etc

It is inappropriate, the question is how badly

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It takes some courage for them to directly reference the “Baine sitting around uselessly in Oribos” meme. I hope that the story lives up to it.


Cool. Nobody cares. Nothing can save Baine’s reputation.

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What he did time and time again when he hijacked the Horde war efforts dooms him forever. The majority of the Horde community wants him gone since he never contributes anything.

Yeah, you do.
Wouldn’t be here whine nannering otherwise.

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Whatever story they give Baine now doesen’t matter. He is a failure and should have been removed back in Cataclysm.

Word of advice, be more smart then I am and don’t talk to these people.

Erevien’s genuinely mentally ill and we sadly can’t get him to stop.

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I know, I should really know better than to reply to him and other trolls here.


It’s people on this very board saying that they hate Baine for attempting diplomacy with an enemy. Even you yourself said Horde players won’t like Baine as much as Alliance players do. Because Horde players do not want characters who sue for peace between the factions. People are mad that Baine isn’t treating Taurajo, a singular attack on one place in which the assaulting army did allow for escape and deaths were caused by unforeseen circumstances with the same gravitas as the near genocide of the entire Tauren people by the centaur, an event in which he was personally effected by being kidnapped by them. Horde players desperately want to believe that Taurajo was a genocide on the same size and scale as what the centaur did because they are desperate for any reason to hate Alliance.

Nobody liked Lor’themar until MOP. Before then it was a joke that he doesn’t do anything. After he flipped a table and said “ALLIANCE ARE THE REAL RACISTS!” then did Horde players like him.

Nobody likes Rokhan. He hasn’t done anything.

As for Vol’jin and Cairne, people like Vol’jin because he was a named Troll character. He didn’t really do much of anything prior to his becoming warchief. As for Cairne, people like him for no reason at all. He didn’t do anything ‘awesome’. People like him because it assumed that he wouldn’t be like his son, but there’s no indication for or against this notion.

He became popular in the context of his son being an ‘Alliance sympathizer’. It is assumed that he would not be an ‘Alliance sympathizer’.

That doesn’t mean the Light is an Alliance theme. As I’ve covered above, it is obvious that it is a cosmic theme. And as I said in another post, maybe Horde players need to just get over it? Alliance players do not have this same problem with Elemental, Nature, and ancestor worship.

I went back and reread what you said and your post looks even worse, and makes even less sense than it did before. None of the reasons you said doesn’t make the characters not Horde. Let’s go through them one at a time.

Faol is no longer an Alliance character. He hasn’t been since WC2. He’s neutral if anything.

  1. What does their time of being risen have to do with their affiliation with the Horde?
  2. Of course they used to fight against the Horde. When they were alive, and not Forsaken. Delaryn is remaining with the other Darkfallen. They’re part of the Forsaken now, and that means they’re part of the Horde. Like several characters who were raised during Cataclysm, the undead replenished their number from a lot of former Alliance.

Again, this has nothing to do with whether or not they’re Horde, or a Horde theme. One could argue that a Horde theme is redemption from bad circumstance like the Orcs and the blood curse. I mean, I wouldn’t make that argument. But one could.

Then what is an Alliance theme? What makes Baine and Calia more Alliance than Horde? Without using the Light as a reason. Remember, Alliance has not had sole ownership of the Light as a theme since Blood elves were added.

In what way?

You can choose boneless skin and a pretty, unmarred face already for Forsaken. You can literally make a Forsaken fem right now that looks exactly like Elvira: Mistress of the Dark in all her smooth glory. Forsaken come in various states of decay, some not looking decayed at all.

And don’t say ‘She uses the human female model’ as an excuse because that means Nathanos is an Alliance character, and skinny KT males are Horde characters because they use the female Forsaken skeleton.

I know I’m being a bit nitpicky by snipping this post out, but why would alliance players have a problem with nature worship? Night elves are already the predominant race that gets featured in stuff related to it, due to their strong story connection to the Emerald Dream and Malfurion. It’s already on “their side”.

It reminds me of a troll druid poster who used to be here, and how much BFA crushed him because he saw himself more as a “Cenarion” troll instead of a horde one, and Teldrassil was forcing him to go against his character’s “leader” as a villain.


Darkspear fans like Rokhan. He’s a character from WC3 who represents the average Darkspear. A competent and inoffensive character who is dedicated to his people.

Vol’jin is probably my favorite Warcraft character. If any character is the protagonist for MoP it’s him. Most of his character development comes from there and what’s been given to him has been great. It came all at once but it was worth it. Though I would question anyone who liked him sooner.

WC3 fans like Cairne. That’s where most of what he did is. Most faction leader involvement in WoW didn’t happen until Cata and he died right before that. This isn’t a Cairne exclusive thing.


Shaman nature worship is different than Druid nature worship in ways that I don’t think have ever really been expanded upon, but we are lead to believe that these two practices are different.

Regardless, I don’t think anyone who plays Alliance sees what the Wildhammer Dwarves, KT humans, or Draenei do as ‘Horde themed’, or even if they did, that it’s a bad thing.

Inoffensive because he hasn’t really done anything in the game. The most he did in WoW was a quest in WOTLK, and 5 years ago he was a boss for Warfronts. I think people want him to do more, and I do as well. I think people who like Darkspear trolls would be willing to say they’re fans of his because it’s either him or zappyboi until Vol’jin comes back.

It’s not a Cairne exclusive thing but it would be like people saying they were a Magni fan prior to BFA, if indeed any such people do exist in actuality.

Even in WC3, Cairne didn’t really do much from what I recall. He’s only a part of a handful of missions.

I’m not doubting that people like these characters. I do think there is a difference between simply liking something and being a fan of it though. I dunno, that’s my own personal perspective, other people might be fine with calling themselves Cairne ‘fans’ despite him doing basically nothing even in WC3 and basing that like for him just because he was a Tauren and they’re Tauren fans, or he was a Horde leader and they’re a Horde fan, or whatever reason.

People on this board hate Baine for lots of different reasons (and a few even like him). But you’ve made it clear that you’re only interested in listening to your own headcanon.

I didn’t say people liked Lor’themar or the others. I said nobody called them Alliance characters, even though they weren’t “trying to start multiple wars.” You’re moving the goalposts.

In fact, the level of bad faith you’re showing here has made me decide I’m not engaging with you any more. Feel free to take the last word if it will make you feel better, but I’m bowing out of this discussion. Have a nice day.


Sometimes I do ignore them and other times I can’t stop myself from responding.


It is so weird that this look like a quest that anyone can do when it would probably be better just being Horde side. Does this even have some important reward/upgrade/toy?