His name. Baine BloodHOOF
Not hoofs, or hooves, but Hoof. There is only one explanation. Baine only has one foot. So so sad…
Or you know, only one of his hooves have blood on it…
What a disgrace.
What if he only has one bloody hoof and the other is intact?
Exactly what I was thinking. I would say “Maybe he stepped in that gored human’s pool of blood with just one foot!” but it’s more likely to be the blood of his fellow Horde these days.
Bloodhoof is a family name. It was first adopted by great great great grampa Stompy, who only had one leg.
Well you have to keep one hoof planted firmly in the ground when you’re about to stomp a gnome into pancake batter. Maybe he just always stomps with the same hoof?
looks up from a partially chewed tauren ankle with a chastised grin
But I cleaned it and everything!
Maybe he paints his hooves red with blood? The man likes his hooves painted… I ain’t gonna judge…
Ew ew get it away!
Mentally disabled sure I can see that, but physically? sadly no.
Hey now, he’s not Sylvanas!
Baine ain’t disabled! He said no to the Vulpera when they tried to join the first time. He knew they had nothing to offer.
He paid the pound of flesh owed to the Horde.
"to repay a debt we owed them for their service to our race. I, for one, intend to deliver on that promise. ”
He is a literal traitor to the Horde and has been having secretive meetings with the enemy king for years, against the wishes of his superiors.

looks up from a partially chewed tauren ankle with a chastised grin
But I cleaned it and everything!
Baine’s blood covered hoof is well known to be caused by practicing his famous past time: punting gnomes off the edge of Thunderbluf!
And he was born without a spine.
He inherited the name from his father, Cairne Bloodhoof.
Not Bloodhooves.
Hooves are not feet, they are toe nails. Missing a toenail will not get you princess parking.
It is statements like the one you just presented that get me. Who are you to say he is spineless when everyone approaches his enemies different ?
- Suggesting negotiation with the Alliance army camped out in the Zandalari capitol.
- Justified an attack on a peaceful hunting outpost.
- Barred his people from taking revenge for it on pain of exile.
- Killed loyal Horde troops to do a nice thing for Jaina.
He cares nothing for his own people, and would rather talk than TCB. He is spineless.