breaking news… 2 weeks ago
Anduin’s BFF.
That’s Wrathion.
Anduin’s backup BFF then.
Not everyone is watching wowhead for stuff like this.
There’s been multiple threads debating the worthlessness of Baine.
Don’t they teach you vampires about spoilers?!
They just want you to, quote, “Suffer well.”
The stairs guy!
You know… the guy who sits on the stairs!
I have some good news though, we put a bell on him and now we’ll hear a jingle jangle when he get’s kidnapped next time.
(because, lets face it… we know there’s going to be a next time)
This is a sad but true post.
You just made me laugh while drinking coffee!
Poor Baine deserves more love, but dang if it’s not funny when they do him dirty.
It’s not Baine’s fault.
I imagine he had a lot of content for SL that just ended up cut. The Heritage quest basically set him up to reunite with Cairn in the afterlife, and AU Warchief Baine from WarCrimes was a legitimate badazz.
But what we ended up with in the live game was Baine the stoop-warmer.
And he kept that stoop WARM for 2 whole years.
Yes chef!
I view it as the way they portray Tyrande.
In lore Tyrande is amazing.
In game? She’s one of the most hated Alliance characters and borderline inept.
It’s really not fair to the guy. I don’t know if Blizz didn’t know what to do with him and they just used him since he was a major player in BfA, or if they literally just forgot him on his silly lil stoop. Dude needs a hug, a cup of cocoa, and a nap.