Baine gets a questline in 10.0.7

Don’t even get me started with that Elune questline in Ardenweald, I’ll go feral. Tyrande needs way better representation than “angry night elf woman blocked by goddess because lore.”


Still echoes in my head.

Rent free.

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This is very true.

Broxigar honored her as a respected shaman and healer. And in game she’s just… yeah.

That was great… until it wasn’t.


Yawn :yawning_face:

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Amazing cutscene of Tyrande actually doing something early expansion. Then we have…

I don’t care as he’s a filthy Hordie.

so good lol +1

shakes fist

Why!? Why did you remind us of this!?

How long will it be before my mind is purged of it again?


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Most things are Baine’s fault.

Stubbed my toe after getting out of bed today. Baine’s fault.

Ok Baine and I were talking this morning… and yeah, that one was him.


Also, you can’t tell me that Tyrande wasn’t strong enough without Elune’s power to snap her throat right then and there. She has a more muscular build and Sylvanas is a literal corpse. Tyrande should’ve been able to snap her in half like a toothpick.

I still question why she was trying to strangle a corpse or a banshee known for being able to literally turn into swooshing shadows that you can’t grab.

It just… makes no sense.

They did Tyrande dumb.

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For real. I’m just hoping maybe… just MAYBE, that with the lore we’re getting in Dragonflight they’ll fix her character.

It could have been done so much better.

What if Sylvanas posessed Tyrande and used her body to kill Shandris? This is a thing we know Sylvanas can do as a banshee (she’s just posessing her own corpse I believe) and then Malfurion so Tyrande has to kill Malfurion to kill Sylvanas.

Or what if Malfurion just used his full set of abilities and won World of Warcraft, grew a new world tree, and killed the jailer… because again I think that’s something he can just do at his current power level.

The good thing about this expansion is i don’t have to do that quest.

Moo? MOOOOO! Moo.