Bags and their contents not showing up

About a day after the pre-patch dropped, all my bags (and their contents) aren’t showing up in game. If I equip a new bag, the contents that would be there show up but then the new bag also disappears after a few hours. I tried all the steps on the KB Article (Article ID: 165246) which include equipping new bags, performing a UI Reset, and deleting and restoring the character and nothing has worked. I’ve also tried removing all addons and the issue still persists on a stock UI. This is only impacting one of my characters (the one shown here). The rest of my characters are just fine. Any chance of this getting resolved?

A ticket has been submitted but with a ~4 week anticipated wait time, I thought I’d try here in the meantime.

I’d absolutely recommend a proper reset UI.

Resetting the WoW User Interface - Blizzard Support (

Yup, found that on the KB article and tried it. Didn’t work.

This definitely sounds like a UI issue. You are certain you got all 3 folders with WoW shut down? Maybe try rebooting the machine as well.

I have also lost my bags and inventory so i tried to equip new bags which worked for that day and it gave me my inventory back but when i logged in the next day it was gone

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Yup, sounds like the same issue I’m having!

Orlyia, I didn’t reboot my machine when doing the UI reset so I’ll try that in a bit and report back.

Did another UI reset and rebooted my machine, still having the issue when I log into a fresh UI with no addons.

Did a fresh install, no addons, still no bags.

Exact same problem as op. Bags disappeared after pre-patch. Bought numerous of new bags for only to have them disappear. Put in a ticket in no viable answer. Reset UI and deleted and undeleted my affected toon. Still not fix. Put in another ticket that says it will take 28 days to answer. Was hoping server reset would fix it - it did not. Fed up and probably going to call it quits after 16 years of playing over this. Can’t play wow if you have no inventory.


I had this problem, until I found a broken item in my bags. Change to separate bag view, and hover over all the slots, looking for anything showing up as a red question mark in Tooltips. Go to a vendor, and drag the item over to the vendor to sell it, as destroying the item did not work for me. It fixed it right away for me once it was sold.


Hmm, unfortunately I didn’t have any broken items so I instead emptied all the bags into my bank. Maybe the game not freaking out about me having 80+ items but only 20 slots will trigger a fix or something. Who knows!

No, but filing a bug report might.


That’s already been done and Blizzard knows its a bug as there’s a KB Article already on the topic.

The more individual instances of it that are reported the more data they have on the problem. The more data they have the better it is to pinpoint where the problem is and get it fixed.

Customer Support does not generally gather numbers of how many accounts are having any specific issue. That would be done through the bug reports filed.


Still having this issue and my ticket wait time is now 55 days. Don’t suppose you have any other idea that might help?

Well, I got my bags back. About 5 months ago I decided to start hoarding the calling reward boxes and got up to ~170. I just opened them up and when I relogged, all my bags were back and all the test bags I would equip during the past two weeks showed up in my inventory as well. I doubt that will help anyone but just throwing it out there.

Yea, same thing happened to me. Customer support is non-existent and all the fixes won’t work. I’ve been playing since the start of this game and as soon as my sub expires, I’m done. The bug issues have become more frequent and since Microsoft has taken over, it has gotten worse. I don’t have the time or patience for the incompetence that this game has become. They are quick to release prepatches and xpacs, but slow to fix any issues.

Just pointing out that this purchase has not gone through yet.

To my knowledge they have been sending out hotfixes for issues all along, but some issues can be harder then others to replicate in house, making fixes take longer. You have completely reset your UI, assuming you are experiencing the same issues as the OP?


Hasn’t happened yet. It’s not scheduled to happen until at least mid-2023. The UK and EU reviews of the deal won’t complete until at least March 2023.

It’s a rare issue. It hasn’t happened to many players. If you open tickets instead of filing bug reports it won’t get fixed. GMs that you reach through tickets don’t fix bugs. They need to be able to recreate the bug in order to know if their fix actually does fix it. The rarer the bug the harder that is to do.

It’s not incompetence. It’s players with unrealistic expectations. It’s players thinking they know how simple or how fast something is to fix. Reporting a bug doesn’t automatically result in a fix.

Snarky comments like yours say more about your character than Blizzard’s.


I not only tried resetting the UI, but I did a complete reinstall of the game. Problem still exists on my main. The rest of my toons are fine, just as they were before I reinstalled the game. I’m out of suggestions for a fix.

You don’t have to suggest anything to fix it. You just have to wait until Blizzard fixes the issue.

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