Bags and Action Bar Icons

when opening bags if there are action bars behind the open bags, the action bar icons bleed through the bags. any time you click on anything in the bags you see the icons pop threw the bag. Also the bags will cover the action bars on the far right side. This seriously is not a good thing.


I came just for this. No matter what I do, I can’t move my items into the right side of the bags. The action bars keep popping over the top.


Same here. We should be able to move the bags. Only occurs when you move an item that has an action, but it’s really annoying… Users even reported this in the alpha:


Bump, same here. Super annoying.

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If this isn’t a bug, then essentially we would not be able to effectively have action bars on the right side of the screen where the open bags are displayed.

I’ve already mistakenly dropped things when moving them in my bags onto the action bars when they get displayed over the bags.

Even when I’m being careful, this problem means I can’t move certain items to the right sides of the bags displayed where those bags are, which is a major frustrating annoyance.

Yesterday, before the pre-patch, I didn’t have this problem as the bags were opened and displayed to the left of those actions bars down the right side of the screen, so there was no overlap.


This is also happening for me.

If you use the presets the bags open to the left normally, but it seems that after any customization they will open over your bars.

Also experiencing this bug, and it existed on the beta as well. The ‘easy’ fix to this would be to add the bags and ‘menu’ bar to the UI moveable state, and attach the bags to an ‘anchor’ related to where you move the collapsed bag icon. Players who use the right vertical bars could then drag them into the lower corner and align the bags ‘beside’ the bars and have zero drag and drop issues like this


I have this bug too… Seems like if you don’t use the default positions for the right bars, the bags UI doesn’t get moved to the left of the bars when opening them… So quick fix for now is to use the default right bars position in edit mode.


Thanks for this tip, at least now I can move everything else around.

Looks like it still allows me to resize the bars without messing with the bag location too, so that’s nice.

I have this same bug but out of 12 toons its only on one so far but not being able to put anything in the bag on the right is so annoying :frowning:

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Same here, happening to me as well. Extremely annoying.


Yep really annoying bug especially when you are in your bank trying to sort stuff out.

I have had to resort to using a second layout that moves all the bars to the top left so i can play with my bank/bags.

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Well here’s a new twist: Yesterday when I was arranging my new UI elements, bags when I opened them did not cover my two right vertical hot bars. Today…boom…broken. Cannot move the bags back to where they were yesterday no matter what I try.

What changed between yesterday after that last server reset and today?

You know I did not think of that. Yesterday all I was using was preset, but today I decided to add in some others. I did not noticed my bag placement until about an hour later when I decided to do some cleaning out of things I no longer need.

I really wish they had just added bag adjustment to the Edit Mode like they did with those other elements!!!

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same came for this ty

Also have this problem. Hopefully the can make so the bag says over top of the action bars or so the bad is made to never overlap with an action bar.

After I posted and read other comments, I went back into the game. I was chatting with someone who was having the same problem with the inventory bags opening up and covering up those two hot bars on the right side.

As we were discussing it and trying to figure out what could be causing it, he hollered…I mean he HOLLERED and said he figured it out. Not going to make folks happy and feels Bliz screwed the pooch but there is a way to fix it so the bags don’t do that.

He said, open up in edit mode and click on each of those right bars and return them to default. I am assuming everyone did what I did and immediately rearranged where my two right bars were to be situated (I like them pulled down farther so they sit just on the edge of the mini menu at the bottom of the page (you know the one we can’t move).

Once you save those two to default, go ahead and close the option menu and do a /reload ui. After that completes and you are back on the screen you will see those bags have moved outward to the left side of those two right bars without covering them.

Awkward is not what I would apply in this situation, messed up is more like it. What would have been more effective would have been to have the bags listed in the Edit menu so that you could move them just like all those other elements that show up there.

Work around for now and not perfect. But I keep putting in a bug report in game every chance I get as I make further tweaks to my UI.


Thanks, that did the trick! Definitely not a perfect fix, but still better than what it is currently is. It looks like you can still change the size of the bar as well, which is good.

The work around is not working for me. The right action bars are snapping correctly, it’s the Action bars 1-3 that are bugging out on me, not the vertical bars 4 and 5.

It happens with my bank, with my 34 slot bags, it just overlaps on top of my bags constantly.

Disabling addons doesn’t do a thing, reloading UI doesn’t fix anything.

Edit: Figured out something - Regular bags works fine if I fixed UI scaling, but when I open my bank and bags the action bars 1-3 are still overlapping the bags.

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Sorry to hear that. Unfortunately I cannot offer help for your issue since I rarely move those particular bars. I leave them alone and just resize them so they are easier for me to read without a magnifying glass :worried:

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