Bagnon fix for 11.0

Mainly for the bank, its so archaic with no addons.

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Yes I am actually. I kind of need a working bag system. My gameplay doesn’t work at all without it. It’s kind of the definition of a critical system. Less critical addons are updated on time.

Not like these changes are a surprise. They didn’t just come out of nowhere. There’s been a PTR up. You can look up API changes on third party websites and plan for it.

I get it, life happens sometimes, but this addon was left horrendously broken last expac for months and now oopsie they once again messed up. That’s not “I’m busy with a job” that’s a pattern of neglect to the project. I can speculate it’s either so low down their priority list they shouldn’t be hanging onto it anymore and should bring someone else on to help as this has happened twice now in a row OR that it’s intentional.

The old saying fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me is apt here. This makes twice that this CRITICAL addon is completely (not sorta kinda) broken for a week, weeks probably.

Shame on Blizz too tbh for after all these years of encouraging alts not developing a way to do what Bagnon does natively.

Also posting the update in a discord instead of in a response on their issues page on github? Not very responsive to the community as that’s the first place most people look. On the other hand if they only consider the interests of say patreon users who donate in their discord it makes perfect sense to give static and silence to people who don’t pay if they think they are entitled to money (so the entitlement may not be mine).

But I’m done. This is it. I’ve been a bagnon user for over a decade. I’ve weathered little blips without complaint but as I said after it was broken for months last time and the fix was first posted (weeks later) to their patreon I’m not interested in using this anymore and will encourage everyone to use a replacement like Baganator which was updated and ready within 48 hours of the patch landing. It’s not completely perfect and I miss some things from bagnon but for the sake of not dealing with this every other major patch I’ll happily use it and adjust.

Why use Bagnon when the default UI is already sufficient at this point?

“months”? , pretty sure it wasnt down for months.

We are lucky as heck that a lot of these addon authors are even still around after 20 years for some of them.

ps. Bagnons discord is free

maybe for some, but it is sorely lacking as others have already pointed out in this thread.

I was using default elvui and decided to give litebag a try after you mentioned it. For sure, it’s really good. Thanks


Bagnon has been updated BUT the Warband bank tab is not working. He has noted that it’s currently in the works.

Just get Baganator and save yourself the frustration…


Most of the good bag addons haven’t been updated to handle warbanks sadly.
The hillarious thing is that TSM does handle Warbanks for expenses and revenue. Altaholic also handles it for item location spread.

For now I’ve just been using the 11.0 updated AdiBags for general bag function since nothing I’ve used is even remotely close to it, and if I need to use my warbank I just turn it off then back on when I’m done.

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Because I can’t see or read what I need with the default UI bag.