Bagnon fix for 11.0

Just putting this here as an FYI. If you use Bagnon and it’s not currently working for you.
(This fixed mine.)
From the Bagnon addon discussion thread:

stingray66 commented yesterday

Bag Brother is a dependancy of Bagnon and Bagnon will not work without it.

I seem to have fixed mine…go to World of Warcraft_retail_\Interface\AddOns\BagBrother\libs\Poncho-2.0.lua …open Poncho 2.0.lua with notepad++ and go down to line 183 and put - - infront of that line…the bags open as they should…hope it helps.


My experience following the above instruction: This only allows your bags to open. It does not allow Bagnon to work as intended.
I think it may be better off just disabling the addon until Jaliborc gets time to update it.
Lord I became very dependent as a means of saving TONS of time with this addon.


i am using the ingame bags till the warbank gets fixed and the addon is updated

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I would have used the in-game bags while waiting on this to actually work properly, but even the in-game bags are broken for me (when using Combine Bags). I swapped over to the ArkInventory alpha, might be my third bag addon in three expansions.


Check out BetterBags, its the successor to AdiBags which was an improved Bagnon.


I have used Adibags for years and loved it, IMO BetterBags has a long way to go to catch up. I recently tried Baganator and it is promising.


Which is why I deleted Bagnon and went to LiteBag. I despise Bag Brother, the memory hog it is. Life has been so much nicer without that bloated mess of an addon that breaks things way too often.


Sadly BetterBags is a pale shadow of AdiBags
Edit: and BetterBags also keeps throwing lua errors that cause disconnects for several of my characters (no disconnects with it disabled)

Basically I’m stuck using the horrendous in-game bags praying that someone will update AdiBags

The in-game bags are still messed up. Mostly when combined, sometimes when not.

I have finally decided to delete bagnon, not worth the headache due to it’s lack of updates and delayed fixes.


Somebody needs to fix Scrap (same author) also. I know it still works but it wont show the coin icons on vendor trash.

It drives me crazy when addon authors go MIA at the start of a patch.

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The creator of it threw fits before DF launched and barely touches it for update since.

Got rid of that one once and for all then.

If you are using Elvui, can use their all in one bag feature, it’s what I’ve been doing since Bagnon seems to take quite awhile to be updated. Seems like the current person(s) behind it don’t seem to put much effort to keep it updated.


Did you try LiteBag? It even has a few little mods to go with it.

you’re one of many who have suggested it. Going to give it a whirl. Thanks

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I loaded up LiteBag on the suggestions here, great little addon!


There are some little mods for it that I use, as well:

  • LiteBag Hide Highlight
  • LiteBag Junk

I disliked the glow around new items in my bags, so I asked the addon author if there was a way to get rid of it, he nicely sent me to one of the mod authors to ask… and he made me the hightlight mod! :smiley:

Those developers are super nice.


I’ve used bagnon for years but am growing tired of it always being the last mod to update. I tried Litebag just now thanks to this thread. I’m an instant convert. Very simple and clean, does what I need and nothing more. Thanks people!


Love this!! Good lookin out Sendryn!

PS. I’ve switched permanently. LiteBag is perfect, covers all my wants.

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Same! I will never go back to anything else. :smiley:

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