My fix for this was to delete the addon and download Baganator.
Same. Ive used Bagnon for years but Baganator is better and less of a resource hog.
It also just looks really good.
Looks like AdiBags was updated again. Basic bag, bank and reagent bank seems to work properly again. But currently, the configuration options don’t work (so can’t change default or previously set options) and you have to disable it to get to your warbound bank. But, at least normal regular bag and bank functions are good.
A message from his discord for Bagnon. Not a justification, but at least an answer where he is.
Jaliborc — 07/27/2024 3:49 PM
Everyone! Pre-patch today! And me, like a good dev with years of experience, forgot there would be a pre-patch!Made my plans on having to update the addons by expansion date.
I’m right now away on a work trip (been between work trips all month) and am without access to my work computer. I am between flights right now, but if I am able to catch a break and update the mods from my laptop, I will as soon as possible. I’ll try to make that work. Worst case scenario I am back by the 11th and will update them then.
I’d like to apologize to everyone in advance for my lapse in judgement.
Do any of these other addons show count of items from alts in the tooltip? This is the only feature I’d like that I’m missing right now, and I think it came from Bagnon.
That is usually generated by other addons like Altaholic or others that use the datastore addon functionality.
That was a really nice feature and one that I miss as well.
You were also able to select your alts and see their bags from your main. Really helpful!
I can’t find anything in my bags without BetterBags.
No apologies necessary IMHO.
I’m just thankful these guys/gals do what they do. Really makes my game experience so much better!!
Same, love baganator! The only thing I miss so far from bagnon is I can’t bind a keybind to directly open my bank and have to click a button on the frame. Besides that it’s pretty much a drop-in replacement for bagnon that works about the same. That and I had to go into the syndicator (required companion addon like bagbrother) settings and adjust the tooltip to allow showing more than 5 characters on the item tooltips when multiple have something.
For me what cemented it is the lack of updates for bagnon. At the start of DF it was broken for I think over a month or two before the author finally updated it to a working condition.
What rubbed me worse was that they seemed to release a fixed and updated version on their patreon weeks before it hit curseforge. Thing is even that update meant even those who donated to the author had to wait a month for a fix.
Now with TWW it’s clear that they either hardly play the game themselves or just really want to play the game of forcing a bunch of players to have a broken addon every major expac launch or big change patch so some percentage of them after a certain time of pain (weeks) will go and donate on their patreon in hopes of a fix. For an addon like bagnon I wouldn’t begrudge the author doing this for a few days after a major patch breaks things to get some money but it just goes on and on broken for weeks and I’m betting a month before the author updates and that’s just not something that I can work with as someone who relies on bagnon every single time I play.
Forgive me for being suspicious. Maybe it’s true but after the fiasco of the last time it was broken for months I have no confidence that next time this happens whether it’s a major patch in TWW that changes api functions for the warbank (because that’s obviously coming, blizzard for some reason LOVES introducing new APIs then an expac or major patch or two later suddenly renaming them or changing their functionality and what they return for reasons only they understand) or whether it happens at the launch of the next expac that this won’t be the case again with a new excuse.
I get addon devs have lives too and I’m not that annoyed when something that’s critical like a bag and alt tracking addon (as bagnon is) is broken on day one even though I’m a total altaholic, but it should be fixed within days, a week at most. After all bagantor is already updated and fully working with warbanks.
There’s that old saying, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
Baganator does! You need its companion addon syndicator installed but it works pretty much just like bagnon. Make sure to go into the syndicator settings and increase the amount of characters it can show on the tooltip to a reasonable number like 30 else it just shows 5. Also pay attention to the buttons at the top of baganator, you need to click one to open your bank view remotely and another allows selecting views of other characters.
bagsync does, and is the only one that totals from all the realms not just the current one.
Why use Bagnon at all when WoW will allow you to do the same thing in-game?
Personally, I use Betterbags, so I am curious.
For me there are a couple of reasons.
The built in Bag UI has no settings for layout, size or position and isn’t included in the UI editor and the Banks (Personal, Guild, Void Storage) can’t be swapped to a single bag layout.
I swapped to Baganator and it’s great. Better for me than Bagnon.
I’m sure they’re especially sorry that they’re too busy working their actual job to drop everything and update an optional addon for a video game. Entitled much?
The in-game bag interface would let you look at your bank and guild bank inventory from anywhere and track gold/items on all of your characters without needing to switch?
I’m pretty sure the in-game interface doesn’t do that.
Yeah this works fine for me
I wouldn’t know, as I’ve never used it.
Next time, start your question with “would” to make it easier to understand.
My add ons have been completely disabled and my game shows 0 options to enable them even after updating. trying to find out if others have my problem but so far i seem to be the only one
Either way, it was rhetorical because I already knew that the in-game bag interface lacked all of the functions I mentioned.
And now you know as well.