Bag Space Please

Some people have too much gear and we need bigger bags.

Either make the 30 slot bag not unique or make a pattern for Tailors for 30 slotters.


My pally tank has about 5 sets of gear from fire resist set to tier sets 1-3 (and 2.5) including a bunch of ret and holy gear, consumes, and other miscellaneous things and yet I still have plenty of bag space. Between the 30 slot, 2x 20 slots from Ony, an 18 slot, and a bank of 18 slots I really don’t have bag or bank issues. What all do you have that what we have isn’t enough?

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Just in the bank:

All the Event attire (Summer Festival, Lunar Festival, etc), one-time only pets (Spider, Worg, Faire Dragon), Tank Set, DPS Set, Healing Set, Fire Set, NR Set, SR Set, Frost Set, AR set (screw you Druids! xD), Neat items (ie: Argent Avenger), rummages around, bag of marbles, light of elune, moist towelette, ZF mallet, Torch of Retribution, Holy Mightstone, Seal of Wrynn (I will fight anyone who says to delete it), Luffa, Scarlet Crusade tabard, Arcanite Fishing Pole


I recently cleared out a bunch of lower level items that I thought I’d want that I knew id never use. Same with event items. I think that probably helped my bank space the most. Also helps that I have a few alts to manage my profession items!

Yes please, I would pay 1k per bag at this point.

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What exactly are you carrying around that you need MORE bag space?

I’ve got two gear sets + some offpieces, a whole bunch of consumes, random other stuff like gadgetzan teleporter+parachute cloak, mounts, toys, etc
and still have ~25 free bag slots.

Like seriously look:

i.imgur . com/GwmuwJT.png

Naxx DPS set. Non-Naxx DPS set. Naxx Tank Set. Non-Naxx tank set, raid consumes

Yeah I am with you. Throw us some 25 or 30 slot tailored bags.


Feral PvP, non-Naxx Feral PvE, Resto PvP, Resto PvE, I keep four sets on me because I use them all day. Everything else I keep in the bank and consumables are traded constantly between me and an alt.

Biggest bank consume for me is stacking Catnip and Alterac Manna Biscuits
 Also got a Bear set in there, hah!

Just bust the old 36 or 44 slot bags out of the data files
 we all know they exist in there
 Sod is just a playground for fun and testing ideas really, there is no reason for us to all be struggling with low bag space when the game encourages us to have 2-3 gear sets and a ton of consumes.

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you get given one 30 slot bag and already crying for me. 1x 30 is already amazing jeeeesus

Its not a 30 slot increase though. If you already had an 18/20 slot bag it only gave you an additional 10-slots.

With many Naxx items only being useful inside the raid, those slots will be occupied by that gear so we’re right back to where we started.

I read one of the Devs state that 30 slot bags is all Classic can support. If that is the case, add a new non-unique recipe for craftable 30 slotters. We need the space now, not later.

It’s the tail-end of classic. What are they waiting for?


I’ve already moved all the non-Bound items to the bank alt. :sob:

Even if there was some sort of limitation, we’ve already seen what they can do with the keyring and toys.

Just make it to where we can get two 30 slot bags or let us put other things on the keyring (hearthstone, sleeping-bag, enchant rods, salt-shakers, skinning knife, mining pick, etc.).

150 reals for a 30-slot bag would be a good way to do it too.

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The funny thing is
a certain ‘other server’, running the 1.12.1 client just made the mounts and Battle Pets (using Retail term) into spells
even gave them their own tab in the Spell Book.

As for Enchanting Rods, they can just add a new one like Infused Runed Arcanite Rod that takes like a Runed Arcanite Rod (so the one enchanters make from the Blacksmith’s-made rod) and flag it as being capable of use in all the Enchanting Recipes. - I’m assuming, to save time, they gave each recipe a flag and then the corresponding Enchanting Rod is flagged to be ‘type Journeyman Rod’ or something. So they wouldn’t need to update the individual recipes.

Hearthstone could be a spell in the General tab of the Spell Book.

I don’t know about the Enchanter Rod, Skinning Knife, and Mining Picks being a keyring item
it’ll depend on if the game can “see” that inventory when you go to interact with something.

They might be able to add Void Storage. As it’s a separate ‘storage system’ from the ‘bank storage system’. At least we could put our off sets in there. - Better not cost a freaking copper. Some of us don’t try to be the world’s richest in a videogame. :unamused:

I do all specs and have multiple variants of the gear.

FR. Non FR, pets. Some RP set, Shock. Varying weapons for specs be it PvE or PvP

Enabling/asking for a way to have more space isnt a bad thing what so ever especially when you use all of that space.

So would be cool for Supply Bag to not be unique or at least Tailors get a pattern.

On this note, how does my Grim Guzzler key (among others) NOT go on my keyring? 
but Bottomless Noggenfogger goes there??

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As stated in other threads regarding this topic, I love the children who can’t understand that just because they personally don’t have an issue with something doesn’t mean the issue doesn’t exist. Completely self-centered and ignorant.

More space is required to fully appreciate this game, especially for anybody engaging in RP.

You guys are hoarding useless gearsets that you never actually use. FR set? When is the last time you truly raided h3 mc? Yeah you totally need to always carry around your third offset pvp gear that is never used bro yeah just learn to clean out your inventory.

bruh. there’s gonna be forever servers. I want to keep my sets incase I ever want to run crap on the forever server in the future.

A lot of people thought era forever servers were going to be useless, and many didn’t bother to keep certain things or even their chars. Then when era servers became popular again you had people begging blizz (on these forums) to restore chars and items.

This time around I want to make sure I keep everything incase in the future I want to replay my sod/classic+ char.

So you’d rather never have the option for anybody just because you, personally, don’t plan on doing it? You’re not the main character, pal.