You’re not entitled to have bag space for ever single item in the game, sweetie
One random idea but what if the made the 30 slot supply bag non unique. Just keep turning in dawn/crusader tokens for more 30 slotters.
Fits in with the Naxx theme.
Yes! Give us bigger bags. Also, maybe give us a quest or a token redeemed by reals that let’s us create bigger stacks of stuff, like herbs, etc.
As I said, to fully appreciate the totality of the game, the player needs more space with which to store the gear. Especially for RPers. Sorry you can’t understand the game is more than just the latest raid.
Sounds like an inventory management problem and wanting to hold on to too much useless crap. Blizzard could make all 30 slots and you’d be back a month later asking for more.
Try being a warlock or hunter and you have one less bag for your class consumable.
MMOs are about collecting. If I wanted to ‘just kill things with a bunch of people’, I’d go play an FPSMMO (aka PlanetSide).
Biggest ‘fix’ outside of bigger bags would be to remove the Soulbound flag on event items. That way we can send them to a bank alt.
Though, I do wish for SoD, that Blizzard had implemented a lot of the ‘one time only’ rewards. Like, why can Engineers making Bag of Marbles (it’s the 25% chance to miss item many used on Patchwerk). Or Alchemists make Light of Elune (the invul. potion you get). Tailoring for Moist Towelette (though maybe modify it to suppress temp weapon buffs from other players). Maybe herbalists can talk to the Night Elf to get more of those bogling roots that give you +1 phy damage; BoE. Then give Horde herbalists to get gather those thorns which I think reduce damage; make those BoE - BAM! Inter-faction trade.
I would love to see bank only bags or void storage.
We need that Baldur’s Gate crossover for the Bag of Holding…
You know what I actually don’t disagree with you here. There should be a lot more items that are just “account-bound”. Great suggestion.
howling rn
… What’s funny about that? You think people don’t RP in an mmoRPg? Again, mate, you’re not the main character.
Well, like I said, ‘event items’. So this would be things like the Santa Hats or the Fire Festival attire. To name a few.
I’d have to check, but I don’t think the non-soulbinding items from events can be AHed.
But, ya, Account Bound works too; kind of keep forgetting it’s been implemented in SoD.
Blizzard doesn’t need to implement more bag space so you can play dress up lmao bro im dying at your posts
Great argument. You’ve really illustrated your point well. Why not, you know, try to articulate why you think they shouldn’t without it being that you personally don’t take part? You know, how one learns how to make an argument in elementary school.