I don’t like the everything-in-one-bag style - I’ve always used separate bags so I can organize my items and find things easily. With the new UI however, it is nearly impossible to move things to some bag slots. Whenever I pick up an item, especially one that can be put elsewhere like on the action bars, the bag display moves to the background and the action bars pop up to the front of the display hiding empty bag slots at the bottom of the bags. I can’t move things to the bottom slots.
Does anyone know of a fix for this, aside from using the everything-in-one-bag model? Is there some option somewhere that can be set to keep the action bars from popping to the front of the display?
The resolution, as per the game is 3456x2234 which I believe is the default for my Mac.
I’ve tried moving things around and no matter what I do, things get covered up.
Closing bags temporarily is a pain because it means having to open and close multiple bags, multiple times, to move a few things around. I shouldn’t have to do that…
Here are two pics (I hope they are viewable). In the first, you can see the bag over the horizontal action bars. (image: https://imgur.com/A0W5mZG) In the second, after I pick up an object (which you can’t really see - the cursor holding the object doesn’t appear for some reason), you can see the bag obscured by the horizontal action bars. (Image: https://imgur.com/IBi5G3e)
Simply, the action bars on the bottom overlap the bags when they are opened.
If you click on something in the back, the action bars pop forward, covering the bags. The ghetto solution is to 8 puzzle your gear so you can close the bags and get yours in a spot that’s not being overlapped.
The other solution (which I have yet to try) is to move the action bars down to make sure they do no overlap. I don’t know of they need to be completely out of the way vs, say, “half” out of the way so you can drop your stuff in to your bags using the “top” half, and the action bar using the “lower” half depending on the exact pixel location of your mouse.
Dude. You said you have a resolution of 3456x2234?
You must have that UI scale cranked up to gigantic proportions. What’s the point of such a high resolution if you’re going to blow the UI scale up so high?
I’m running WoW Windowed + Maximized at 1440p (2560x1440) native resolution and it looks exactly like it does in this pic.
Now, I moved the bars to the side in favor of putting unit frames directly beneath my character’s feet so I don’t have to look in the top-left, and yes the one bag does go over the bar, but I can close one of the bags if I need to move items around.
The laptop thing is one of the issues with the new UI. I’d have to guess all of this was designed on wide-screen monitors with those in mind for implementation and was never tested on smaller screens. The oversized minimap, the tiny menu buttons, the tiny fonts and the unavoidable overlays seem to indicate this.
I can never understand why laptops and other devices with small displays want to crank resolution up so high, only to have to bloat the UI scale up just so you can see what you’re trying to read and/or interact with, lol.
It makes no sense to be honest. I don’t think anything with an 11 inch screen should be trying to display anything higher than 1080p TBH, for this reason alone.
Then, games get released, and they are designed so that resolutions 1440p+ are assuming you have a 27inch+ display, and then people complain buttons are too small and then we get stuff like this new WoW UI with GIANT FREAKING BUTTONS because of said people.
I have a 32 inch display and I don’t need buttons bigger than my thumb on a 1440p resolution, thanks.
However, if I adjust the UI scale, this also shrinks down fonts to uncomfortably small levels so I either have to shrink it and squint to read anything, or, I gotta put up with buttons that are 2x bigger than they need to be.
My beef with the new bags is that they fill from the top down now, previously they filled from the bottom up (as they should). Can this be fixed in settings somewhere and i just missed it?
I never said I was satisfied with the current situation.
I am just expressing the fact that these situations are created by dumb decisions on the parts of people making such hardware and also exacerbated by game designers, not just in WoW, but in other games too.
We’ve seen the same problem in other games, such as the Final Fantasy re-releases on Steam-PC where they have GIANT HUGE GAUDY BUTTONS because the old re-releases (not the pixel remasters) were ported from the phone games, and so the UI took up over half the screen with buttons big enough you could fit your entire finger on.