Baelgrim is a tank

Hey, I’m no stranger to huffing hopium. I take it as an unofficial announcement from the totally-not-merged-at-the-hip-to-internal-team-members fan site

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I might just be exhausted but i dont know what this means. U saying wowhead is close to the wow team or that they are not real.

Im confused. And now that i think about it there was alot of talk of night elf paladins based off that legion paladin and nothing came of that so i guess my hopium is going low

Oh yeah, I phrased that poorly. Basically meant to say that wowhead is an ‘official’ website effectively cause the writers and editors basically are in constant communication with the dev team. The…I think previous head editor? Is on the writing team now at blizz. If I’m recalling that correctly.

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Ohhh well that article above seemed promising. They did list alot of reasons that i hadnt thought of so i hope is true. Enhance is always fun to play in dungeons and raids but too swuishy in open world. If we got a tank i can just tank open world stuff and leave enhance for the dungeons.

Same, enhance isn’t terribly squishy for me but having a tank spec opens up a role I’d like to do more in m+/raid that I don’t engage with just cause I can never vibe with the themes of current classes with tank specs.

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Nope, it would need to be its own spec to match the Druid. There is absolutely no reason it shouldn’t be this way. 4 elements etc… #EarthWarden

Definitely, a 4th spec to tank l. Revamping enhance is not an option. #EarthWarden

They just reworked the hero talent trees… they’ll do it again. You’re likely right that I’ll be disappointed once again but a man can dream.

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