Baelgrim is a tank

thats a cool prototype. Im quite curious to see what change await us next week sinse we finally get something

Now I’m against tank Shaman even more, I want enhancement to get all of our weapon imbuements back. If Enhancement ever gets a full rework again, I want them to support each one.

There is no reason a 2 hand Enhancement Storm build can’t be viable. Increase proc rates and attack speed. It’s essentially the same since you won’t be needing to lava lash, but this would only work in PvP.

No. I don’t want enhancement being turned into a tank spec i like playing it as a DPS. Make a 4th spec if you want a tank so STOP.


I remember using rockbrand and another ability to taunt in cata. Got to tank a bit with the primal earth elemental and it channels on you. Miss that. They most certainly have old spells they can bring back for a tank spec. And a whole other element to focus on. Primarily earth, volcanic magic, and different flavors of earth such as sand, ash, mud etc for utility based kit ideas. Or even stuff like fire tornado cleaves. It would be so easy to make a shaman tank spec. Earth elemental ascendance would also be fire <3.

Anyway I hope we get 4th specs. As for hero specs limiting them I doubt it, some hero specs are not good like totemic
 its just us having totems back which isn’t very exciting and even a liability since totems are bad in like 3d gameplay such as underwater/ in air combat.

I’m really hopeful a tank spec is in shamans future and soon.

And who says hero specs need to be split evenly? Not huge on a fourth spec but hate the idea of reworking enhance. So why not give the tank spec the choice between totemic and stormbringer as well? Worst case, can always circle back around on a later date to make ‘unique’ hero talents.


Farseer for shaman tank could be interesting. Be kinda like ancestral guardian barbarian from dungeons and dragons.

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No one (figuratively) wants to make enhancement a tank spec. The argument for it has always been to add an additional spec. Keep enhance, add tank spec. Every single time this conversation comes up, someone comes in and overreacts that they don’t want shaman to have a tank spec because they don’t want enhance to get taken away, no one is asking for that, no one ever has asked for that, no one will ever ask for that. So stop.

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I have seen those posts but i have seen posts with people saying enhancement should be a tank spec that does support stuff like ta tank version of aug when that came out. But i have seen people straight up say enhancement should be tank so its a mixed bag.

That’s why I prefaced my statement with “figuratively”. There is always going to be that one Muppet that wants arcane to be a healer mage, and demo to be a tank spec, and bm to be a tank spec, and rogue to have a ranged spec, and so on and on. No one ( again figuratively) who actually mains enhancement wants to actually get rid of enhancement as a dps.

But yes, I have seen a handful of people wanting to make shaman have a support spec instead of a tank spec, but I’m not sure if that was in place of enhance or in addition to enhance. Either way, they aren’t going to get rid of the dps spec 20 years into the game.

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nods The muppet comment made me chuckle so thank you for that.

But yea. Shaman has such support potential.

Gosh, an awful idea that, support instead of tank. I mean more ‘poorly defined supports’ like aug in general is such a terrible idea.

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Was a tank 


I just did Hallowfall on a follower dunge with Baelgrim tanking. He died on the first boss so I ended up tanking it with my wolf pet. The trickiest part was pushing buttons while laughing.

Lol how did u kill him. Follower basically have like 10000k hp as dps

You know, people make comments like this all the time, or the similarly themed, “There’s no +armor/threat/etc. lol”

All it would require is the following:

In the Shaman tree Earth Shield has two options instead of one.
Option 1: Same as it already is
Option 2: Same effects for Earth Shield, however it can only be cast on the self, it also increases armor by XX%, increases threat generation from fire, frost, and nature.

Tweaks could be made to other abilities that would support the functionality.

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They made it work in SOD, it’s time to make it in TWW.
This xpac will be known for the one they introduced Shaman Tank Earthen, and Dracthyr Warriors. Lets go!


Well he dies in the campaign so clearly not enough HP

Wowhead did make a article suggesting it so maybe itll be a thing?

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