Baelgrim is a tank

I just wanna point our that Apparantly Baelgrim is a tank enhancement shammy so should we expect a tank spec too? I think it would be nice if the rework is good


I think the testing phase of interest was done in SoD and Blizzard would be silly not to go forward with it on Retail.


I’d play it if they added it to retail. I love the concept of warding oneself with the elements while smashing faces and chucking earth, fire, frost, and lightning damage. Maybe they could get an ability that could stack a greater version of Earth Shield charges (like blood death knights do with Bone Shield).


Of the 3 classes that can wear a shield, shaman is the only one that cant tank.
No talent to increase block either. I think it’s silly. And like it was said, shamans proved to be viable tank in SOD.
Earthens being probably the best fit for shamans lorewise, why giving them 10% more armor if it’s not to make them tank?
I think all the stars are alligned to give shamans either a 4th spec for tank, or revamp enh tree with bunch of choice nods between dps vs tank.


Sure just casually throw an entire tank tree in with the enh tree that makes sense…


I don’t know how people can keep suggesting we’re about to get a 4th spec with a straight face.

People. Hero talents all but guarantee that no new specs are being added for anyone, because doing so at this point would require either A) completely reworking trees they just made to work with the new spec instead, or B) creating two completely new hero trees that would then result in whichever specs the new one connected to having 3 hero tree each, while the new spec and the unlinked old spec only have 2 each.


You can’t stop us from dreaming.


It could be something they’re trying to hide while they work on it. They added Aug halfway through the expansion, maybe they’ll do the same with shaman tank.


Not saying that it can’t or won’t happen, but with Hero talents I don’t think it’s likely to happen. At least not with TWW. Not only would they be working on an entirely new spec tree, but they would also have to add at least two, entirely new Hero trees to support it. Adding Augmentation Evokers in the middle of an expansion, imo, really pushed the limit of what they can reasonably do without it causing a whole host of problems for the rest of the expansion.


If they were trying to hide it, why would they make the npc

I didn’t say they would be good at it haha. But they also are mum on any news about it, so I would say they’re at least trying to act like it’s not a thing if they are working on it, or it’s the ultimate troll by saying here’s a shaman tank that you can’t be.


Even if Shaman received a fourth spec, what makes anyone think it would be a tank? Shaman, the OG support class, not getting a support spec when they added them to the game? That would just be insulting.

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The only reason there is a chance of a tank spec is because of SoD tease and because Aug was a secret “here’s a new spec for your class” thing. So there is a recent example.

Also earthen can be shams and it’s thematic a good time do add an earth/tank spec. This lore tie-in is something Bliz values.

But reason’s not too are also pretty high, such as reorganizing the hero spec (but I think totemic would make a better hero spec for Resto/Tank). And also it would open up EVERY class to start asking for extra specs. For that reason alone I think they will never do it.

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I still think you dont need a full new spec to allow shaman to tank. Just like in SOD you can have couples talent as choice nods between tanking and dpsing. Same with some spells. This way it would not force them to rethink hero talents, and like you say totemic fits well the tank too.
And Earthen are the perfect fit for shaman and tank

I understand what you’re getting at, but I disagree. If they put tank in the enhancement trees, it gives you limited choices on how the build will work. That goes for all builds. It would limit your choices heavily because the talents needed to tank could not be passive. I’m only familiar with paladin and monk tanks, but if you look at the trees, the whole thing is centred around tanking.

There’s no way they could modify trees enough so you could either tank or dps from the same spec. It would either completely ruin enhancement (no thank you) or make the tank some vanilla like quasi off tank. It needs to be a completely different standalone spec.


I agree with you 100%. But, just for the sake of the scenario, let’s look at what would need to be available for Enhancement for it to work:

  1. The standard aura modifier that’s given to tanks that increases threat by 400%
  2. A taunt
  3. 1x active mitigation ability
  4. At least 1x new damage reduction CD, maybe reduced cooldown by ability usage (wolves?)
  5. 1-2 talents that would either be buffs or auras that smooth out incoming damage
  6. 1-2 utility-ish tools that would make the tank’s life unique/easier

I think if this were to go into trees, they’d probably have to split it between class/Enhancement trees. I don’t think that this would be outside the realm of possibility but having the active mitigation ability accessible to Shaman specs that aren’t tanks would probably be a little too OP. But, I guess we’ll just have to see what happens.

Edit: If they gated the active mitigation behind the threat modifier, they could maybe just create new capstone talents or something. That might be doable.

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The entire reason that feral druids exist as its own spec is the balancing issues of having both a mDPS and tank under one tree.


I get what you’re saying. But if enhancement had access to tank stuff, they’d be a nightmare in pvp, and because they would still be classified as a dps, they would end up like augmentation, and either be completely broken, or completely useless. Either of which is no good for the game.

The only way it could work is as a stand-alone spec.


Yall are huffing glue if you think they’re gonna rework literally the most viable spec of Shaman in DF because of an NPC. There are Mage NPCs that melee, where’s the 4th melee spec for Mage?

You know why they can have Shaman Tank in SoD? It’s because its dumbed down version of the game with halfbaked talents already there to support it. SoD classes have like 20% complexity so they can do those sort of things.

This right here. Even if they just add a 4th spec, they either have to bloat the tank tree to preserve the class tree which would likely make it only viable for one area of content (M+ vs Raid) due to inflexibility or they bloat the class tree and you end up with the issue the Druid tree has had in DF (and still has in TWW talent trees after adjustments) where you’re talenting through useless nodes to get important stuff for your particular spec and constricting point flexibility.

4th Tank Spec for Shaman is as delusional as thinking 2 hand enhance is a good idea. Yall need to lay off the pipe.