Why for the past several months for fully filling out and completing the travelers log all we have gotten has been a single pet or some butterfly wings? We use to get FULL outfits and mounts. What happened? why do we only get a single boring item now?
thats my question
they need to balance it out and give some edgy awesome stuff again.
and full sets.
no more watches, pets, or buttefly wings for at least 3 months please
We got a mount like two months ago.
nope. for the last 4 months we got a watch, a pet, the powerpuff girl transmog, a pet, and these ugly butterfly wings.
the watch oesnt even work for on most chestpieces
Like, don’t get me wrong, I like the pets and wings, but yeah, didn’t say say the meta reward would be the one thing the most people would want? That hasn’t been the case for months. The big rewards have just been some random thing that should have been on the post for a few hundred tender.
I’m not really complaining, because like I said, I like the rewards well enough, but there hasn’t been a Wow! reward in a long time.
I mean the trading post started out as a bunch of stuff I really wanted, and now it’s just become like the FFXIV cash shop. Beach towels and misc. Garbage.
I’m starting to be a tendie saver now.
i got over 10k
once in a while theres a cloak or weapon i get.
Or any gloves. I tried wearing it with flat gloves that don’t even go up to the wrist and the watch still hid itself lmao
I don’t have a problem with what they do put in it, but they could also mix in some traditional cool fantasy items along with the frivolous flower stuff. One low rez viking sword… wow thanks.
9k+ tenders with nothing to buy month after month.
Well the honest answer is that all the best looking gear in the game has been moved to the shop. Every time they give away a new set, that’s 25-50 bucks per player they could be scalping whales for in the store.
Blizz has self incentivized the production of ugly, lackluster crud for free and charging premium for the good stuff, they see what fortnite has done and they wanna dip their toes in the greed pool even though this is a “SUBSCRIBE AND BUY TO PLAY” game already.
Heck they probably hoped plunderstorm was good enough that they could start just DIRECTLY copying fortnite’s homework… (but also force the player to pay a sub because greed).
Its good the playerbase almost universally hated ripoff fortnite… so now they opened the classic cosmetic shop to make up for plunderstorm bombing I figure.
I haven’t bothered since the harlequin outfit. I don’t waste my time on jank.
WoW stopped being edgy and awesome a long time ago.
still waiting on the felreaper motorcycles
This. Same with mounts. We get a super faccy, unique new mount in the shop every 3 months or so…meanwhile the achievement mount for the fated season? Recolor of a mount from shadowlands. lol.
Isn’t a mount a single item?
We should be grateful we get anything on top of the currency.
i hope thats sarcasm
Seems like the monthly reward should always be a mount or outfit; leave the smaller items for purchase in the Trading Post.
but thats why they put the cool stuff or mounts (that would otherwise be a reward for the month) on the shop for tender. to get people to spend the tender instead.