Eh, the mounts are ok. I’m not super interested in most of the ones I’ve seen.
But that’s the thing, people want different stuff, so they rotate between mounts, pets, and cosmetics.
Eh, the mounts are ok. I’m not super interested in most of the ones I’ve seen.
But that’s the thing, people want different stuff, so they rotate between mounts, pets, and cosmetics.
The rotation is quite a long time then, about a whole year to go from outfits and mounts to pets and a single item.
February had a full outfit I believe. That wasn’t that long ago. November had a bunch of weapon transmogs. October had a mount. September, the month before that, was also a mount. The month before that was a full outfit. The month before that was another mount. The month before that was another mount. Month before that was yet another mount. Month before that was weapon transmogs.
So yeah, they did plenty of mounts and a decent amount of outfits already.
What’s with the gloves that go all the way up my arms? Lol I can’t believe they thought that looked great
Instead of these things they should rerun old rewards (+ extra tenders for those who got that item before) instead of a low effort pet
Have you never seen ballroom gloves before? At least I assume that’s what you’re talking about.
Yeah I guess so? Why are there so many color variations, like it’s a popular mog? I didn’t realize I was going to the ball
Yea, as per how Trading Post has been trending, I have thousands of tender and no interest.
Leave it to blizz to take something good and ruin it again.
99% of what’s posted on the Trading Post has no value to me, because it’s not hard to get or anything like that, like the Mage Tower weapons were.
As a result, nothing from there will be used for anything more than to fill a list.
The pets are probably the best thing for me, and that’s not by much.
Often, the coolest pets can just be found in-game anyways.
Is weird energy an orange text req?
To be honest, I can see how having solid-colored gloves with zero bulk can be appealing to folks. I remember getting a bit frustrated back when they added the Gilnean Noble suit at the DMF, because I wanted to have white gloves with the coat, and there were zero Mail options that did that without also covering the forearms with a bulky geoset.
On top of that, the ballroom gloves can also fill any gaps on the arm that a chestpiece might have without having to rely on the very limited pool of shirts.
I haven’t invested in any of the gloves yet, but I get it.
I mean that’s fine but I’d take the L with a low res shirt than try to cross dress
Can they bring back the magical girl transmog items? didn’t log in for that month
I like the variety, and this month’s free reward. I’m sure many others do too. Even if I didn’t though, it’s just a free item, a byproduct of getting my tenders for the other stuff.
They’ve added a ton of color variants to the cloak/hood combos, the sarongs, the shoulder capes, and others as well. It’s just an additional transmog that takes very little effort and allows the models to tie into many transmog sets.
Depends on what you mean. I also think it’s more of a gold. The edited post pencil icon is an orange.
I just skipped the months that gave watches. Of course it meant that everyone got the super cool new Warden set before me, but I really couldn’t bother with watches. like, come on now we can do better than that
Cosmetic wings has to be the mmo equivalent of herpes. Once they appear, they are going to spread like wildfire.
This month’s was complete garbage. Keep all that flower junk.
I don’t mind the gloves but I think they tend to look best on very specific character models / mogs.
My Night Elf just didn’t look that great with them on, and the only sets that would match the gloves are all 2D only and I prefer using 3D armor whenever possible.
I just decided to show off their tattoos instead